What are you eating/doing today? (Thursday)

on 11/12/14 6:57 pm - London, Canada
RNY on 05/31/13

17 months post op

steps 9347


Up and going (kinda) this morning, Jasper has decided he is not ready to go for his walk in the cold yet and is still in bed!

Yesterday was productive, chili, and soup done and in the freezer, Rosemary Walnut shortbread cookies done and in the freezer along with Lavendar shortbread.

Today is the gym and then over to a friends for some more baking for the holidays.

B- coffee x 2, sm banana, 1/2 c ff cottage cheese

S- 1 c protein shake made w/ unsweetened almond milk

L- 1 c split pea/ham soup

D- 1 3 oz salmon cake, 1/3 c green beans

S- tea, 4 oz skim milk

Be well everyone








on 11/12/14 7:06 pm

RNY  5 Years 7  Months Post Op


Tanya I could not bake without sampling.  I have tried it in the past but for me if its in the house...I will be picking at it until its all gone.  Your shortbread flavors sound wonderful.

Crazy busy day yesterday - another one today. 

STEPS - 10,680


B - 2 large mugs of coffee

     Premier protein shake


L - 2 cups of green salad with regular dressing

     4 oz grilled chicken


S - 1/2 quest bar


D - 6 oz beef tenderloin

     mixed veggies

    1 tsp of butter


S - Source lemon dessert yogurt


MYFITNESSPAL totals for the above menu are:  Calories - 957,  Carbs - 50 Grams,  Fat - 30 Grams,  Protein - 129 Grams


All water - all vits - diet cranberry juice

Have a great one  






on 11/12/14 7:39 pm

Good morning everyone.  For the second time this month our internet and phone was down for days.  Bell came out yesterday after noon and everything seems to be hunky dory again.

Tanya I fell Jasper's pain with the cold.  Barb I went to the Remembrance Day service at the cemetery where my relative is buried and I was shocked when I got there and there was a small Canadian Flag on every grave and tons of flowers in piles.  It was after about 20 minutes I understood.  The Canadian soldier would was shot guarding the cenotaph in Ottawa was buried just a few rows from my relative two weeks ago.  Everyone had a tear in their eye, and many were hugging each other.

Tanya my quest to take over the warm pool continues, and all was going according to plan until yesterday when we had a new instructor and she told me to stop jogging and making waves and to plant my feet and work on stretching.  I told her that I wanted to keep my cardio up while I was stretching.  She said I belonged in the cold pool in a cardio class.  NOBODY puts baby in the cold pool.  

3 months post op

B. Chike before swimming and overnight oats after

S. Another Chike

L. Spicy black bean burger

S. Fit Frappe protein hot chocolate

D. Leftover shrimp with a little potato au gratin

S. Fit frappe hot chocolate

Have a great day everyone.

on 11/12/14 8:35 pm

I began 10 years ago planting small Cdn flags at all the cemeteries in my area.  I used to order them from a flag warehouse that gave me a great deal when I told them the reason.  I remember police stopping their cruisers to help my DH and I with the planting.  it was very emotional - The Spec put a great picture in the paper about 5 years ago of the design we did at the war memorial in the Woodlawn in Burlington.

I stopped 2 years ago when it just got too expensive - glad to see someone has picked up the tradition.  Eventually my whole family came out to help with this project - we went to 3 cemeteries in our area and did all the war tombstones. 

I don't say this to brag - its was just important to me as so many in my family were in the military.  My parents were both involved in WW2 as were all my uncles - it was my favorite project of the year.

I couldn't do the warm pool for cardio....I would sweat!  But I do remember how cold you can get when losing - the warmth would feel wonderful






Karen M.
on 11/12/14 10:06 pm - Mississauga, Canada

Barb, that is incredibly awesome. I can't imagine the families' reactions to the flag designs at their loved ones' tombstones, knowing their service will not be forgotten. Beautiful.



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

Karen M.
on 11/12/14 9:44 pm - Mississauga, Canada

"NOBODY puts baby in the cold pool."



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 11/12/14 10:58 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

I do not like doing cardio in a cold pool. My body warms up with the exercise then I get the chills from the cold water. I would stick to the warm pool.





on 11/12/14 9:06 pm - Ottawa, Canada

Good morning!  It looks like it's going to be a pretty but chilly day here in Ottawa today.  Finally dug out my warm coat and it's a freaking TENT on me.  Looks like there's a Value Village trip in my future.

Today's Noms ...

Breakfast:  Special K Protein cereal and skim milk

Lunch:  Leftover roasted chicken and some salad

Snack:  Kay's Naturals protein pretzel sticks

Dinner:  Out with friends, so I'll have to study the menu and see what good choices can be made.

Have a great day, everyone!


Karen M.
on 11/12/14 10:08 pm - Mississauga, Canada

TES, I love studying menus of planned restaurant visits. It's great going in so prepared. Of course, I always get sideswiped by "daily specials". lol



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

Karen M.
on 11/12/14 10:00 pm - Mississauga, Canada

Morning all :)

Tanya, your shortbread sounds incredible - lavender, rosemary walnut... oh my. Decadent.

My Heartland excursion was derailed yesterday so trying again today. It's also my bestie's birthday and we have a get together planned at the pub (surprise!) so have to pick up the cake and go and decorate later this afternoon. No cooking today, lots of leftovers/prepared yummy stuff. I'll pass on the cake - just not my thing. I may do up a small cheese/cracker/pickle/olive tray for the other cake-haters. lol  OH, and it is freakin' COLD out there and thus begins my "season of miserable".

8.5 years post-op

- coffee with cream x 2 (leaving soon, no unnecessary pee breaks) -

B - Source Greek 50 yogurt, Premier protein shake

S - 2 ham/cheese/pickle roll-ups

L - plan to be home by then (this will also curtail excessive $spending$ lol) crustless quiche (equal to 1.5 eggs, meat/cheeses, veggies), cucumber slices on the side

S - Chike protein iced coffee

D - 3 oz meatloaf, lemon-basil green beans & mushrooms

S - not sure, but not cake

Have a good one,

K. :)



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

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