in distress

on 11/10/14 3:29 am - Canada

I am two weeks out and today was the day I had been looking forward to.  I could have an egg for breakfast. I scrambled it up soft in a non-stick pan everything was going well I took my time and chewed it well and then as soon as I swallowed the last bite the pain started. It felt like I swallowed a rock. For the first time in my life I was wishing I would throw up. The pain lasted about 2 hrs it was really painful, At lunch I was scared so I thought I had better take it easy so I was just going to have a protein drink I took one sip and the pain started again, It didn't last as long but very painful. Now I am afraid to have anything. Is this normal what did I do wrong? Everything else to this point has been text book no problem with any liquids ( excep****er it hurts) milk tea cream soups protein drinks oatmeal all been a breeze. What should I do now, I am not in pain but I am afraid. 

Karen M.
on 11/10/14 3:51 am - Mississauga, Canada

Sorry to hear this! I went through that a lot early out. Eggs are tricky and I can honestly say as much as I loved eggs pre-op, we had a terrible break-up for over 5 years and only recently reliably reconciled. Since nothing happened until the last bite, it sounds as though it was one bite too many - not at all uncommon when you are just learning. Your pouch and stoma are likely irritated right now so going back to the previous step for a day or two will let them rest and recover. Take your time trying new foods - a couple of bites here and there to see how they sit. Try eggs again in a week or so (not the whole scrambled egg, a few bites) and see how it goes.

Hang in there,




Ontario Recipes Forum -

on 11/10/14 3:59 am - Canada

Thanks Karen, I guess I was a little over zealous and took it for granted that everything has gone so easy. I will try some soup for supper tonight hopefully it won't hurt. Thanks Again

Karen M.
on 11/10/14 4:02 am - Mississauga, Canada

Honestly it has happened to most of us at some point. Take your next few meals really slow and easy. You may also find that something you were able to eat successfully today may cause you a problem tomorrow. Our new guts are pretty unpredictable at times!



Ontario Recipes Forum -

(deactivated member)
on 11/10/14 6:31 am - Toronto, Canada
RNY on 10/20/14

Same! I was excited to finally give eggs a go, the pain you are describing is exactly what I felt. I am back to my cream soups for now, with the occasional melba toast for crunch. I don't want my tummy to feel that way ever again! And I think it was my stomachs way of saying "whoa not ready for this.

on 11/10/14 7:16 am - Canada

Thank you for sharing sorry that you had trouble but glad I'm not alone. It was sad and scary at the same time. I am really disappointed felt like I did my time didn't complain, much and was ready to move forward and then whoa what the heck. The extra bad news is I haven't been able to get anything in since. I will just wait until tomorrow and go back to liquids if I can. Thanks Again

on 11/10/14 8:07 am - Canada

warm tea with milk helps the pain I'm almost 4 months out and as a vet told me it happens now and then when we don't chew enough or our food is dry, we eat too fast or too much, so hang in there

on 11/10/14 9:33 am

I just started soft foods and experienced the same thing the other night. It was definitely scary but I guess is part of the process. Remember to introduce things slowly and don't try new foods when you are out- lesson learned!

on 11/10/14 10:31 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

I still have problems with eggs. It was suggested to me to have eggs poached. I still can't eat scrambled





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