What are you eating/doing today? (Wednesday)

on 11/11/14 6:44 pm - London, Canada
RNY on 05/31/13

17 months post op

steps 14785

Good morning all,

Been up since 330 am listening to the wind howl. Thankfully, today is my day off so I can nap later  

I think I am going to do some cooking today, cabbage rolls, maybe start alittle Christmas baking for my goodie baskets that I make for family and friends. And of course doggie walks. day off from the gym, so I will do the stationary bike while I watch alittle tv this afternoon.

B- coffee, 1 egg muffin, sm clemintine

S-1 c protein shake made w\almond milk and PB2

L- 2 ham/ lf cheese/ pickle roll ups, 6 sl cucumber

D- 1 c split pea and ham soup (I need to make more of this :) )

S- 1 source yogurt, 4 oz skim milk

Be well everyone









Karen M.
on 11/11/14 8:18 pm - Mississauga, Canada

Good morning!

Tanya the wind is blowing here too - and cold! Yesterday was such a tease at 20 degrees and sunny, now we're paying for it. I made cabbage rolls too (on the weekend) and they were so delicious. Word of warning though: the rice in these rolls of deliciousness can sneak up on you and be rather brutal - I was pretty sure my intestine may very well explode with all the expanding rice in there, despite me being "careful not to eat too much". lol  As for the baking - I don't know about you but I have absolutely NO trouble baking/cooking and not sampling a great deal. For the amount I cook/bake, in my previous life I would weigh.... well, 290 pounds at least (my pre-op weight lol) but I really am not tempted, other than to taste for quality. Do you find the same?

Heading up to Heartland today to hit Marshall's (looking forward to that, haven't been yet), Roots, Winner's and anywhere else that strikes my fancy. Had REALLY good luck at Talize (Dundas/Dixie) yesterday - got 3 pairs dress pants for work and 3 gorgeous sweaters for $52, tax in. Love that store! Going with Andrew to see his mom, who is moving today from a retirement residence into a more supportive long-term care - stressful for everyone (except me, I'm going as the "peacemaker/middle-man"). Not sure what else I'm doing.

Anyway, on to the eats for today:

8.5 years post-op

- coffee with cream x 3 over the morning - (maybe less, since I'm going shopping and don't want pee-breaks!)

B - a little applesauce (just enough to take meds/vites), Premier protein shake

S - 1 slice toast, 2 slices bacon, sliced tomato, a little full fat mayo

L - I'll likely be out - will bring a Premier shake but may stop at Tim's for soup (which would be nicer, actually)

S - Chike protein iced coffee

D - 3 oz meatloaf (already have it in the oven), green beans

S - not sure yet!

Have a great day!

K. :)



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 11/12/14 1:29 am - London, Canada
RNY on 05/31/13

The rice doesn't sit well with me either, so I will make a few with no rice in them for me  I also can cook/bake without the temptation. Pre WLS, I would "sample 4 or 5 cookies at a time when I baked, now, I could care less what they taste like  

Have fun at Heartland shopping today! I too love Talize! Always find a great deal there!







Karen M.
on 11/12/14 1:42 am - Mississauga, Canada

Had to put off Heartland 'til tomorrow but it will be funfunfun when I get there. :)

Funny how our habits can change so drastically, especially when it comes to cooking. Good for you.



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

(deactivated member)
on 11/12/14 3:41 am - Toronto, Canada
RNY on 10/20/14

I love reading your food journals! I aim to be that balanced one day, and you eat the foods I like to eat! So it shows me, this is a lifestyle change I can do.

Karen M.
on 11/12/14 4:50 am - Mississauga, Canada

I made a vow to myself a long time ago (once I was past the "beginning eat what you're told and like it damnit" phase) that I would only eat food that I actually like (and healthy of course). That's why I cook so much to prepare - never know what I'm going to feel like. lol



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 11/11/14 8:58 pm

Slimcado avocado update!  I opened it up and it was overripe and inedible.  Noooo!!!  Been having nightmares more often, wake up sick with fear, full of anxiety.  Work is more stressful lately with more responsibility and talk of job cuts. I really try to stay in the moment but I think it comes out in my dreams.  Gym tonight will help with this, elliptical and weights.

12.75 weeks post op

b - premier protein shake, b12, multi, vit d

s - xl decaf coffee, 1/3 egg & flax mini muffin sf chocolate banana coconut flavour, calcium/d

l - lentil beef chilli, calcium/d

s - sf Greek yogurt mandarin flavour, cheese string

d - extra lean beef meatballs, tomato sauce, spinach, lf mozzarella

s - protein hot chocolate

Before bed: omega, vit d

Highest: 320, Surgery: 255 (Aug/14), Lowest: 132, Current: 167, Goal: 155

Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards. - Soren Kierkegaard

Karen M.
on 11/11/14 9:03 pm - Mississauga, Canada

Stress really is a ***** I am sorry to hear that its interrupting your sleep but you have good strategies in place with exercise and CBT - and don't forget about the progressive muscle relaxation by Eli Bay and the 5-minute stress-buster he does as well!




Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 11/12/14 8:37 pm

Thank you Karen, those things do help a lot.  I also try to be grateful that I even have a job as many do not. Visualizing calmness also helps sometimes.

on 11/11/14 10:54 pm - Arnprior, Canada

I know I'm a stranger to this thread, but wanted to pass on some advice a therapist told me when I was having sleep problems due to stress.  Write about it.  Keep a diary/notebook, and write in it everything that bothers you.  I used to do this at bed time (the only time I had to myself really).  I had a few people that were the cause of my stress, and I was told to pick the worst of the bunch and write a letter to them.  Write down everything I ever wanted to say to them, and everything that I thought that they should hear.  I just had to write everything down, there was no requirement to send it.  And I was told that it didn't have to be a 1 time shot, I could start one day, and keep adding to it over time.  It may sound really weird, but it did help.  I used to have problems with my mind spining either went I go to sleep, or wake up in the middle of the night and it would spin.  This helped settle that down.  I still have flare ups, caused by people in that group, but it doesn't stay with me as long.  And I know I can keep adding to that letter when I need to.

If work is bothering you, perhaps you could try the letter therapy, and address it to the executives of your work.  Say everything that you would like to say to them.  Tell them how you feel about the situation, and put down your opinions.  As I said, this is never intended to be sent to them, just to put it on paper and out of your mind.  So there's no holds barred.

Good luck,



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