What are you eating/doing today (Sunday)

on 11/8/14 6:49 pm - London, Canada
RNY on 05/31/13

17 months post open

Steps 9765

Morning all 

At work already, no plans just work and home today.

B protein coffee 1/3 c ff cottage cheese 1 tbs diced mango 

S 1 egg muffin, Clemintine

L chi oz chicken burger wrapped  in iceburge lettuce leaf w/tomato onion avocado

D same as lunch

S 4 oz chocolatealmond milk sf 1 scoop vanilla protein powder

Be well everyone ☺









on 11/8/14 7:12 pm, edited 11/8/14 9:46 pm

 5 Years 7 Months Post Op


Tanya your lunch/dinner sounds great. 

Playing in a golf tournament this afternoon with my DH.  I called ahead to find out the dinner menu - I can work with it.  Going to Panera Bread for breakfast this morning - I love their breakfast power sandwich - ham - egg and melted cheddar on 1 piece of rye type bread for 340 calories.  Its alot but it really sticks with me.

Yesterday and today are higher calorie days for me....to balance off my 1000 calorie days previous.  I lose albeit slowly - but I also keep going.  I dont recommend this for new post ops - for me at closing in on 6 years post op its a lifestyle I can live with.

STEPS - 10,290


B - Panera Bread breakfast power sandwich


L - 3 oz leftover beef tenderloin


S on course - Smuckers crustables PB and Jelly


D - 1 Mich Ultra beer

      Beef tips with mushrooms - a cup or so

     scoop of veggies

     butter - assuming 1 TSP on the veg

     Pumkin spice bundt cake - I will skip the ice cream and sauce on it and eat half  ( I LOVE anything pumpkin)


MYFITNESSPAL totals for the above menu are:  Calories - 1,512,  Carbs - 118 Grams,  Fat - 67 Grams,  Protein - 86 Grams


All water - 2-3 litres - decaf coffee and all vits

Have a great one  






on 11/8/14 10:09 pm

Barb and Tanya both of your menus sound scrumptious.  Had a fun night out with DH last night, the music was great and for the first time since surgery I ordered the chicken of which I was able to eat a quarter of a chicken dark meat. 

Today it's more household chores, laundry, and paperwork.  We are going out for lunch so I am not sure what I will order, I will have to ask more questions.

3 months post op

B. Poached duck egg on 1/2 an English Muffin with a little Hollandaise

S. Decaf coffee with SF Pumpkin Spice Coffeemate Creamer

L.  Not sure, maybe crab cakes or Cobb salad

S. Fit frappe protein hot chocolate

D. Leftover chicken from last night (I ordered the half chicken and I still have a quarter chicken left) cheesy grits, BBQ baked beans

S. Another Fit Frappe protein hot chocolate

Have a great day everyone.

on 11/8/14 10:25 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Bought some pumpkin chips at Costco yesterday. They only sell them once a year and DH love3s them. I am impressed I only ate a couple last night.





on 11/9/14 3:02 am

Are the Smuckers crustables PB and Jelly available in Canada?  If so where?  Thanks!

on 11/8/14 10:35 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Good morning all. I seem to have my cold back. Now I have a very sore throat. Having a problem getting going. Want to go to church for the Remembrance Service. Need to wake up. My kids are coming for dinner. My son asked for lasagna. I meant to make some for me using zucchini instead of noodles but forgot. So I will have some of the casserole I made last night. It turned out really well. I also will be making cheese stuffed shells and a dessert. I will send a lot of this food home with them. It is good for my daughter to have things she can just grab for dinner with the long days she works.

b greek yogurt, granola, blueberries

l squash soup, source yogurt

s protein shake with skim milk

d turkey, squash casserole.

s tea

cal 979, carb 57.7, prot 92





on 11/9/14 1:42 am

Hope you feel better soon Pat. I still feel like I am fighting something and am taking extra vit d in attempt to ward it off.  Do you take extra d?  I take 5000iu per day at the moment, normally 3000iu.  Just a thought!  Oh and raw garlic really helps if you can have that, but you may not feel very social afterwards. lol

on 11/9/14 3:56 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

I have bee taking lots of vit C. Also found this great drink with fresh ginger and fresh lemons. Am sipping it as I type





on 11/9/14 5:53 am

Sounds like a good plan, hope they attack any destroy that cold for you. 

Karen M.
on 11/9/14 12:22 am - Mississauga, Canada

Morning all :)

Have to run a couple of errands today, football day which means app-like snack/dinner. At this far out, it's such a great feeling to be able to "make things work" and maintain. Obviously, like Barb, my menu is not newbie-friendly but works for me at 8.5 years post-op. Thought my intestine was going to explode an hour after eating a cabbage roll last night - apparently my gut STILL does not like rice expanding in it. Go figure. lol  Walking Dead tonight - woot!

8.5 years post-op

- coffee with cream x 4 over the day -

B - Source Greek 50

S - Premier protein shake

L - crustless quiche

S/D/S - football eats: shrimp with ****tail sauce (likely 4), 1/4 homemade double-baked potato (absolutely sinful), 3 baked chicken wings (small-ish), Balderson sharp old cheddar, pickles, black olives, a few slices BBQ Sikorski sausage, approx. 6 small down-easter s&p crackers to deliver the goodness (obviously this is not all at the same time or I would explode or barf, adjusted by "want to eat vs. no more thanks" I usually end up eating significantly less than I list)

Have a great Sunday!

K.. :)



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