Hi Everyone!

on 11/5/14 4:32 am - Canada

Newbie here, thought I would introduce myself. I've been reading the board for a couple days but have been researching WLS since earlier in the year. It all started when I discovered people I knew on Facebook losing weight and looking amazing, when I asked how they did it they said WLS and it hit me like a brick! Why had I never thought to look into it? I've yo-yo dieted all my life, the most I ever really lost on one diet was about 30 lbs then I would slip.

I got into watching youtube videos of peoples journey and could not contain my happiness that I could finally be better! I almost dropped everything and flew to Mexico to get it done. My husband talked me down, I can get really excited about things and act before thinking lol

I talked to my Neurologist about it in July, I have MS and wanted his advise on how it might effect my MS. He said the chance of flare up is minimal and saw no reason why I shouldn't look into it more. My logic was a smaller body would make things easier if I did have mobility issues due to MS, so what the heck! 

I talked to my GP in late August who was on board. She sent in the request and a couple days ago I got a letter from TWH with an orientation date of January 26th (day after my birthday!) From reading on here I've found out that you can call to see if there are cancellations and get in earlier, November is a very busy month for my work so I'll check in Dec to see if there are any openings. I'm just happy to be on a list and moving forward!

I'm hoping for VSG, I'm anemic so I think they will be able to see why I don't want an RNY and I'm hoping I won't have to fight to hard to get the VSG. Fingers crossed!

Karen M.
on 11/5/14 5:30 am - Mississauga, Canada

Welcome! Glad you found us. :)




Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 11/5/14 6:19 am

Welcome to the forum meowface!

on 11/5/14 6:55 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Welcome and good luck with your journey





on 11/5/14 9:00 am - Cobourg, Canada
VSG on 04/12/13

love the handle meowface...enjoy your journey.

on 11/6/14 3:35 am - Thunder Bay, Canada

I think it is the best birthday present you will ever give yourself...and by the way...love your name!


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