I did not expect this

on 11/4/14 8:50 am - Canada
VSG on 10/31/14

So i have been home since Sunday afternoon.  And things could not be better.  I am getting my 2L in every day.  60+ Protein,   Yogourt and Soups, no issue.  Steve (Thats what i have named my sleeve - Steve the Sleeve) Wakes up really grumpy, gurgling churning and just plain old pissed off.  I have some water and a premier and he feel so much better.  

What i did not expect in this whole thing was that i would be feeling as good as a do.  Other then 1 of my incisions  (the big one) nothing hurts.  As long as i take things slow, Steve and I are getting along just fine.   

What is really concerning me is, I feel like i should be eating.  I want to eat.  I feel that i could eat.  I know that i cant, but i have no way to describe what Steve feels other then Hunger pangs.   Is this even possible.  I had 70% of my stomach ripped out of my body less then 4 days ago, and you want to eat....  WTF Steve?

I can see how people on "My 600 Lbs Life" Go back to eating after 2 weeks.  and i can see how things can fail.  I will follow the menu plan for the next 6 weeks.  I have come this far to waist it.  But that show really makes much more sense now.

My wife said that she felt the same thing for about a week.  Not sure if it is part of the Mind F*&K or Steve settling into his new home.  Which ever it is.  Its messing with my head.

I have been lucky so far  I have not drunken anything to fast, or to hot or to cold.  I have not experienced any sort of discomfort, Steve has been an ideal Tenant.

I am truly one of the people that wonders if the Dr. Just cut me up and did not do the Sleeve, and had laugh at my expense and said F-It is Friday.

So other then Grumpy Steve and my phantom hunger.  I am doing Awesome. 

I am down 22lbs since opti, off all my meds, can could not be happier.

So here is to You Steve.   My you never be grumpy for too long, and my i never over stuff you.

Thanks to all the good vibes sent my way last week.  It helped.




on 11/4/14 9:28 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Glad all is going well. It is an adjustment. I think we feel we need to eat even though we really do not. try drinking when you think you feel hungry. Good luck going forward. You seem to have this under control





Laurie C.
on 11/4/14 9:37 am - Collingwood, ON, Canada

What an awesome post.  I'm happy for you and Steve.  Give it time, you guys will live happily ever after.



Surgery:  June 11, 2012--Dr. Starr--Humber


on 11/4/14 10:10 am - Oshawa, Canada

I love your post. "Steve" is just settling in, (your new stomach is healing) I"m glad you're not going to let him push you around! Even when you feel like you want to eat more, remind yourself your nerves are cut and you don't want to do any damage to Steve. Good luck!

HRRH -Orientation Nov  25, Dr. Sohi Jan 17, RN,SW,Dietician Feb 19, Dr Glazer Mar 5, Dr Sohi March 12. Surgery May 28th



on 11/4/14 8:59 pm - Arnprior, Canada

If water doesn't help and this continues, talk to your centre.  There were times when I had extra acid it my tummy (this was pre wls), and my brain would say that I was hungry.  So I would eat to keep the hunger pains away.  I ended up on Zantac and it was great.  I wasn't constantly eating any more.  The acid was under control, so I didn't feel hungry as much.  I don't know if this is your cause, but it's some info for you.



on 11/5/14 2:09 am - Canada
VSG on 10/31/14

Thanks I will look into the Acid thing.  I figure with the Previced that i am on,  the acid would not be an issue.  I will bring it up tomorrow with the Nurse.


cheers everybody


on 11/4/14 9:13 pm - Niagara Falls, Canada
It could be acid that makes you feel like it's hunger. I went on omeprazole 20mg 2x a day and voila took care of the feeling hungry.

10/18/07 RNY ( hw 305 sw 290 lw 189ish) St Joe's 08/14/14 RNY reversal to sleeve. I survived 3 leaks,4 operations and a feeding tube.

on 11/5/14 5:56 am

I had the same ridiculous fear that they went in there but didn't ACTUALLY do the surgery cause I felt so good and was tolerating everything so well. Once you start more solid foods you'll feel it and I have definitely felt it when drinking water... have to sip.

on 11/5/14 6:10 am


What a great post! You made me laugh with your sleeve named Steve. Happy you are doing so well. My surgery is dec. 15. So needless to say i am excited. Keep up the good work and good luck to your wife too. She is your cheerleader it sounds like.


on 11/5/14 10:49 pm - Toronto, Canada

Thanks for such an encouraging and uplifting post.  Sounds like you and Steve are going to have a happy life together.  Once you get the hunger thing under control (and you will!) you two are going to be quite a pair.  

All the best in your weight loss journey.  

GP Referral June 2014 / Orientation Sept 2014 / Social Worker Oct 2014 / 1st Nurse Oct 2014 / Psych Oct 2014 / NUT Class & Dietitian Nov 2014 / 2nd Nurse Nov 2014 /Surgeon Consult Dec 2014 / Surgery Jan 12, 2015


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