5 years surgery Anniversary

on 11/10/14 8:34 am - Canada

It is so hard to believe that it was 5 years ago today that my life was change. I spent the first two years of it ill and not being able to eat. I was grateful to my friends that would come and take me to the emergency and sit with me. See I do not allow my husband to go to emergency with me he would drive me crazy. Lost a lot of weight during that time. Even being ill I was in the gym everyday learned to run and did something was a dream of mine but thought who me I could never do it and that was triathlon. I did my first one 4 days after my second surgery and man oh man I became hooked on triathlon. I was and still am living something I had watched on TV and dreamed about. I have done around the Bay races and marathons and learned not to throw in the towel when you are running and hurt. You dig deep within and push through. There are foods that I miss and know I can never have and wish I could like gravy.  For some reason I can not do leftovers. I find out if I eat leftovers my stomach is not happy with me. Don't know why but it is something I have learned. Even after 5 years still learning. Am I happy with my weight. NO I need to lose some but the scales have been the same for the last 2 years which does not make sense because some of the clothes I can not fit into now so I go back to the basic and start tracking my intake and watching what I put into my mouth.   I know that this operation saved my life and I made a promise that I would use this tool and that is what I am doing. No regrets but if you are reading this and have not had the operation yet make sure that you are truly ready to change your life and know that this is not a magic pill. For it to work you need to make life changes because if you don't the weight can come back on.   Us old timers do know 

Karen M.
on 11/10/14 9:09 am - Mississauga, Canada

Happy 5 Years, Barb!! Love you XO

Oh, and this is for YOU:

Love, me. xo



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 11/10/14 10:54 am - Canada

Thanks Karen. You always put a smile on my face. Love you for that. I do have to say one of the best things in these 5 years are the friends that I have on this form. You all have been there for me and helped me when I need it. Thanks


on 11/10/14 9:57 am - Barrie, Canada
RNY on 05/21/13

Great post Barb! Your so right, its not a magic pill. But there are times the first few months out you think wow, this is amazing! Now maintenance, that's the real test of this tool isn't it! We have to be ready, really ready to commit to changes, accept that we will not be perfect all the time but be strong enough, smart enough, humble enough to seek help to get back on track. 

You have done fantastic. I look to vets like yourself for strength now that I have begun the next part of my journey, maintenance. It still amazes me that I am almost 18 months out. It feels like yesterday I was about to start my opti and I was so freaked out and worried how the hell I would go three weeks without food! It's your words of comfort and support that got me through those days and you continue to this day to help so many of us here. 

Thank you pal and congratulations my friend. 👍😄


Starting weight: 334 lbs.Starting opti weight: 323 lbs, Surgery weight 303 lbs.Surgery-May 21st, 2013 with Dr Hagen at HRRH Goal weight 165 lbs reached at 13 months. Current weight 156 lbs


on 11/10/14 11:03 am - Canada

You are so welcome. I know what those 3 weeks were like on opti. I had 3 weeks of it and I thought it was hard but was ready to make the change and knew it started with the opti. Now I wish i could go back to the Opti. That is really the easy part of this whole journey and it is a journey that does not end. Maintenance is so hard and trying to figure out how many calories you should have and learning to eat because you are hungry and not because of boredom or what ever makes you turn to food.  I find the longer you are out the harder it is. keep up the good work and if you fall off wipe away the crumbs and start over the next day 

on 11/11/14 6:30 am - Collingwood, Canada
RNY on 02/06/13

Thank you for those words, like my pal Annette I am starting the maintenance phase and it scares the hell out of me, I am already up 7lbs and am freaking out. I know to some people that would be nothing but to us Food addicts that's huge.


on 11/11/14 8:46 am - Canada

It is scary when you put some weight back on because you think here I go. We spent so many years gaining and losing and we start to think this is not going to work. We all put some weight back on but the main thing is to track your food and know how many calories that you are taking in. Find an exercise that you like and do it. Even if it is walking. I have a great fitness center that I belong to and the sport and people there are amazing. Nice part no guys.  Not like alot of other gyms this one is special. You need to find something for you and that will help keep the weight off.

on 11/10/14 10:40 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Congratulations on your 5 years. You have always been an inspiration to me.





on 11/10/14 10:56 am - Canada

Thanks. You have done so great and deep down I just want to see each and everyone of us that is so lucky to get this surgery to be successful with it and not go back to there old ways. You are amazing also. 

on 11/10/14 5:23 pm - Toronto, Canada

Congratulations Barb!! You have been an inspiration for me, especially when I started running. I can't wait to do the Around the Bay with you this year! Finally right?

you hit the nail on the head about this being hard work. It's a daily battle for most of us. Love you lots and way to go!!!


Surgery March 23/2011. Completed three full marathons and two half marathons, two half Ironman distances. Completed my first Full Ironman distance (4 km swim, 180 km bike, 42.2 km (full marathon) run) in Muskoka August 30/2015. Next Ironman Lake Placid July 23/2017!

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