Is it normal to feel a little lost after surgery?

(deactivated member)
on 10/22/14 3:59 pm, edited 10/22/14 4:19 pm - Toronto, Canada
RNY on 10/20/14

I'm here, alone, not really hungry at all. yet miss food. The few things I have tried. don't taste satisfying. I thought for some reason I would be feeling somewhat OK by now (day 3.5 days post op) but I am still incredibly tired, and in pain. I cannot stay up for more than two hours without wanting to head to my bed and nap. I keep thinking of things I need to do, and feel overwhelmed. I am supposed to pick up my dog Friday morning, whom I miss TERRIBLY, but I am just worried I am not physically able to give her what she needs... How can I be. if I am napping every two hours?


I am so damn bored. and I don't know what to do with myself. I guess prior to surgery I spent a lot more time eating. Nothing tastes good right now. I am trying to get in my requirements, but again. its not pleasurable. Part of me knows it will get so much better, but right now, I won't lie, I am sitting here thinking "You just did this extreme thing to your insides, please let it get better" 


I knew there would always be things that would change, and that I would have to adapt to post surgery, I just long to feel normal'ish somewhat...again. Right now, definitely not feeling like myself. For anyone who says this is the easy way out... You're incredibly wrong.


I know this surgery was an amazing gift, and I feel extremely lucky to have had this opportunity, I  guess I just need a little reminder that this will get better...

on 10/22/14 4:15 pm

I am 7 days out and let me tell you- a few days can make a huge difference! On Monday I felt like you describe and today I feel entirely like my old self and almost forget I had surgery!

the pain meds made me incredibly sleepy so I quickly weaned off of them and can stay awake throughout the day now. 


It it will get better!

(deactivated member)
on 10/22/14 4:19 pm - Toronto, Canada
RNY on 10/20/14

Thank you for this! Because right now, I just feel kinda blah... Countdown is on to feeling more normal!

on 10/22/14 6:32 pm - Canada
VSG on 09/23/14

Hi Jennifer,

I can certainly empathize with how you're feeling. I had my surgery Sept 23 2014, actually two of them! Went back into emergency surgery on the 24th and ended up waking up a day and a half later on life support. I had no clue what had happened. Turns out I had some blood building up on the inside from a small nik. Luckily enough my surgeon was fantastic and she knew the next day after my original surgery something was not right. I still to this day feel pain in my stomach area ( it feels like something is pulling) and ripping on the inside, but apparently this is normal due to two surgery's and the stomach being removed. I too, a month later do not have a lot of taste for much. Which in hind site is a great thing, you really do not miss much and mentally you learn that food is simply fueling your body. It does get better and you'll find things to "replace" food. I just received the "ok" to start exercising again. I'm excited about that, as that will also take up the "standstill time". I guess we all can identify the moments of loneliness and boredom. Stay encouraged, it does get better and YES it was the best decision you could have ever made for yourself to take back your life :) Give your self "mental" time to adjust, you will and know that it's okay to transition. It's the only way we get revelation for what we are going through and it builds us up! Take care and I wish you great success on your journey. If you "think" you will do great, you will do "great"

(deactivated member)
on 10/22/14 7:09 pm, edited 10/22/14 7:21 pm - Toronto, Canada
RNY on 10/20/14

My heart goes out to you, and now I feel a little silly for whining... I was very lucky to have an uneventful surgery, but based on your cir****tances, I will be very careful to pay attention to any signs that something may not be right.


I think right now, most of all I am feeling helpless. Like I can't do much on my own right now, and I think you feel more helpless when alone. I want to go out and get things done, but the energy is just not there. I got so frustrated today just trying to open up a wrapper on my multi vitamin bottle, I nearly broke down in tears. This is very unlike me! Emotions overload!


My heart really does goes out to you, and your experience definitely puts this journey into perspective. Congrats to you on making it through that, and still here offering words of encouragement to others. It shows you have a solid heart! Thank you for the wise words, and I know it will become better, its just an emotional journey, and sometimes we are going to wonder if it was the right decision. I know it was, I KNOW it was the right choice, my mind is just playing tricks on me right now. I'm trying to stay positive. Give me a week, when the pain from surgery subsides, and I am no longer feeling drained dragging my ass, then I will likely be dancing around the house feeling back to normal. Post surgery blues maybe?


xoxo I will be following your successes on the forum! 

on 10/23/14 3:35 pm - Canada
VSG on 09/23/14

Hi Jenn...

I hope your day has been better today! and YES it will get better as each day goes by. Thank you for your kind words, and you're not silly at all :)...its easier if you look at it from the point of knowing that we have all carried some kind of emotional turmoil from being overweight it's really normal to be emotional. I was, and still am at certain points. The excitement is more prominent now, but believe me I still have moments. I'm like you, it's not normal for my emotions to be all over the place. I was quite surprised myself, since I was on such a high before surgery. As I've shared with some of my close friends, it feels like a peeling of an onion. Each layer reveals something new, maybe not always so nice and a little tearful, but like you said it will all be well worth it  when we get our "lives" back. I'm excited for your journey as well and I'm sure you will be just great. Quick question for you if you don't mind, I've tried to set my tracker up but for some reason it is not giving me anything to update or set the back ground. Do you know how to do this? Talk soon, and have a great day!

on 10/22/14 9:48 pm - Canada
RNY on 01/05/15

Hi Jen,

Thanks so much for sharing your experience - I for one will be cherishing your posts when I am at the same stage as it will help me to gauge what is "normal".  I too have never had surgery before, so your posts on what you are going through are very valuable for those of us yet to go to the OR.  

That said, healing thoughts and well wishes for getting over this difficult part!  I live right downtown in Toronto, so if you need something, or need help with anything, please feel free to PM me, I'd be happy to help where I could!

Best wishes for a speedy recovery!



 ~ Per aspera ad astra ☆彡 


(deactivated member)
on 10/23/14 1:31 pm - Toronto, Canada
RNY on 10/20/14

Thank you lady! Just the encouraging words help enough :) I am feeling better today, hopefully this continues. Thanks again, and we're pretty close. I'm Queen West and Brock. We should grab coffee some day.

on 10/24/14 6:51 am - Canada
RNY on 01/05/15

For sure!  I'm at Yonge and College, so we are not far at all.  Glad you're doing better... with any luck in a few days you'll feel fantastic!


 ~ Per aspera ad astra ☆彡 


(deactivated member)
on 10/24/14 8:48 pm - Toronto, Canada
RNY on 10/20/14

I just had a protein shake this morning, with the isoflex, and I enjoyed it! I wasn't about to give up after one try... Weird taste buds, make up your mind! 

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