Questions for the Vets

on 10/18/14 12:28 am - Toronto , Canada

Hi Everyone, 

I am on here every day reading as much as I can, I met with the Social Worker yesterday and it went very well. The staff at TWH are amazing she answered everything. My questions are why am I so nervous? I want this surgery to help me with my health. But all I think about right now is the Complications does anyone have an idea how many indiviuals have had leakage? How many went back because of issues? I have started to dedicated to making myself healthy before I have the surgery and spoke about this to the social worker about all this, she tried to answer as much as she could but advised that the Nurse Practitioner is the best one to speak with, and she advised that she see no reasons for me not to continue on with it and I guess past me for the program.  I need to get these jitters out and I know they will be there until I have the surgery and probably will after until everything is clear ok! I know you all answer these question all the time and I am sorry for repeating, but I think I need to stone it into my head a little.  I thank all of you that always answer and everyone that kindly post everything they know because this helps. When I read all your success I think wow these people have done this and are still going strong. I would love to attend a meeting with pre-op and post-op as I would like to thank you in person and pick your brain about everything. If I am driving anyone crazy I am sorry, I am excited, nervous and giddy too. Please whatever info you can share thank you again.  Thank you for everything else from your posting too. 


1. Surgeons I read that some have nix the intenstine ( how many times has this happen)

2. Dumping 

3. food ( If you go out for dinner, say to a wedding or resturant what do you do? I know this would depends what stage your at with healing) 

4. Flu and Colds ( medicine, throwing up how does you stomach feel when this happens, is this still the norm)

5. Exercising how soon and can you do weights and crunches when your completly healed?

I have more but I don't want to bog you down with all my questions on a Saturday.


Thanks B 

on 10/18/14 1:40 am - Ottawa, Canada

I had RNY just over two years ago.  Being nervous is normal. Remember there are a whole lot more completely uneventful surgeries than ones with complications. But you do need to go into this with open eyes.   I had an uneventful surgery, though at the two year mark, ended up with an internal hernia in which my bowel got caught and they had to do emergency surgery. Would I do the surgery again?  In a heartbeat!  And they have since modified the surgical procedure for RNY to close those incisional gaps when they do the surgery to minimize the chance of internal hernias.  Even with this potentially serious complication, the benefits far outweigh what I went through with the surgery this past summer.  I am healthy and fit, and have my life back!  

As as for your specific questions:

1.  No idea what the numbers are.  Didn't happen to me. 

2.  Dumping -- I've been fairly lucky, as I don't dump regularly.  I have dumped three or four times in just over two years.  Once at the holidays when I had too many Christmas cookies, and another time when I had a couple bites of a really fatty appetizer at a restaurant. I survived, and it serves as a reminder of what not to eat!  Others do dump more regularly on lower thresholds of fat or sugar. Some see it as a blessing, keeping them in check. 

3.  Weddings/restaurants:  protein first always, then worry about the rest. I haven't really had a problem finding something I could eat when out of the house, though I always carry a protein bar in my purse, just in case.  There are certain types of restaurants I avoid -- most fast food places, unless they have something like chili on the menu; Chinese restaurants are hard so I avoid those; anything with a primarily fried menu, or foods coated or wrapped in something I avoid.   I consider myself a foodie -- I like great food, and find I can still eat a lot of these in moderation, and keeping the preparation and protein first rule in mind. 

4.  Tylenol cold and flu works. Haven't really done lots of throwing up. Not sure I can throw up easily. Even when I had the complication this summer, wanted to throw up, but nothing much came up. 

5.  You'll get guidance from your Centre on when you can start excercising. For me, I got the all clear to start in the pool after three weeks once my incisions were healed. I got the all clear to start weight training (slowly at first), at six weeks. And I haven't looked. Still do weight training. Have taken up kickboxing. I run a couple times a week. It's fantastic!

Good luck with your journey!










on 10/18/14 2:41 am - Toronto , Canada

Thank you so much and hearing those words of encouragement gives me some relief. I want to do this hands down and I think its my nerves.  I totally agree with what you said regarding surgery and I am glad your doing good. I am very proud of all your accomplishments because I some how feel that they will be mine someday.  Everyone on here says that they would do this surgery over again in a heartbeat, so I will try and set the nerves aside and keep researching and reading everything.  I want to be the best me for myself and for my kids.   Thank you for answering it set my mind at ease.



on 10/18/14 10:34 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

You are at a great hospital. They have done a lot of studies and keep great stats. They will tell you any stats you want. They want you to know what you should be prepared for. I now dump but only when I eat way more sugar or carb than I know is good for me.

I have had no problems. I am extremely glad I had this surgery and am thankful everyday for the freedom it has given me.

Being anxious going into any surgery is normal. No one can guarantee you will have no problems.

I take meds for flu and cold but I actually have been very healthy since surgery

I do not eat out as much anymore but find food anywhere I go. I am just careful and take home doggy bags

Good luck with your journey and your decisions





Diminishing Dawn
on 10/18/14 3:36 pm - Windsor, Canada


i run a very large support group that feeds into TWH and Guelph for surgery.  I can honestly say that I've heard of very few complications overall.  By far, most people have very uneventful surgeries.  It's very easy to get caught up in the issues of what could happen but by and large most patients have very few issues.  Later on, issues are more common like strictures, ulcers, gallbladder issues, hernias but they are dealt with.



Personally going in, I resolved that I would just deal with whatever came my way and do what I needed to do.  I expected to have to face some repercussions eventually for altering my digestive system.  It has been surprisingly non eventful at 8 years post op.  

I prayed for dumping.  I don't really dump. 

I eat very normally at 8 years out.  I want for nothing. I can pretty much eat everything.  I wish I couldn't haha. 

I've thrown up once in 8 years. 

I am rarely ever sick.  I am generally one of the healthiest people I know. I have coworkers that get every illness I'm rarely sick.  Migraines rarely happen anymore. Dawn

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