I NEED A HUG!!! (long)

on 10/17/14 8:14 am - Kitchener, Canada
RNY on 10/24/13

...and some advise as well. As some of you know, i had my RNY last yr October, i'll be a yr on the 24th. I've had some problems on and off, mostly pain and nausea. Had a few gastroscopies showing ulcers and scratches and an exploratory lap in Feb, were i had some adhesions cut out. Since the lap, i'd been doing quite well until Aug 1 when i had some really sharp pain and cramping. The Dr said it was a pulled muscle but 3 wks later the nausea and vomiting started and still had the same pain that was cramping constantly. CT was clear and i just had another gastroscopy on Oct 3rd, which showed everything had healed although, the anastomosis was a little stretched.

I've been having a hard time eating and keeping up with fluids especially the last 6 wks. I've lost 20lbs as well within the last 3 wks. This past wk alone, i've been only managing to drink maybe 24oz of liquids a day, and that's forcing myself and a few bites of food here and there. I feel awful, dizzy and weak. Blood work shows low platelets and high cholesterol but everything else is ok. I don't know how accurate those results were coz the lab tech forgot to take the right amount of tubes so, she had to borrow some blood from the other tubes.

So i just f/u with the surgeon today and he tells me that the scope was clear and to watch what i'm eating as the anastomosis was a bit stretched. I asked him why it would be stretched and he told me that usually because ppl eat too much and it stretches but, that's usually after 3 yrs post op. I was a bit taken aback by this, not because i over eat, but because i under eat and ALWAYS struggle to finish anything. Non the less, i wasn't worried about it as i know i don't over eat but was a bit disappointed the the surgeon thought i was over eating. Any ways, he asked me how i was feeling and i told him that i was miserable, can't eat, drink and in pain 24/7, feel dizzy from not enough fluids, had a headache as well as having acid issues despite me taking my PPI and just wanted a resolution to what was going on. He then asked how my hair was and i told him it was still falling out. He said Ok, f/u with me in 3 months. WTF!!!! after i just told him how i was feeling he tells me to f/u in 3months and no possible resolution to what's going on now. No suggestions on medication changes or any advise what so ever. Mind you I have a VERY HIGH pain threshold and have some pain meds in the house from months and yrs ago that i can be popping like candy but i don't because i just don't like taking pills and just rather wait and see and besides, i was not asking him for any pain meds. So if i say i'm in pain, i'm in pain and I'm not a hypochondriac or a drug seeker either. I've barely been able to have much to drink at all in the last 2 days and today just took me over the edge.

I was so teary eyed when i left the clinic as i felt that i wasn't listened to. I understand that he has done tests and they've all come back clear but, that doesn't help how i'm feeling. I was so upset that i marched right upstairs to the ER so they can do some blood work to make sure that i wasn't at least dehydrated as i felt i was. Good thing the labs were ok and i was  able to relax a little and go home. Non the less i'm still in pain and very thirsty as i type this. Tried to drink more fluids when i came home but, it's just not happening. Don't get me wrong, i'm glad that there is nothing serious that they could find but disappointed at the same time that i'm having so much unexplained pain. I just want to curl up and cry as i feel so frustrated today. ARRGGG!!!!

on 10/17/14 8:41 am, edited 10/17/14 8:41 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 05/20/14


I just went through something similar, couldn't hold down anything down for over 2 weeks.  I was admitted and underwent a bunch of tests-ultrasound, barium swallow, gastroscopy and then the exploratory lap which showed the Petersen space/hernia.  Every time they tried to get me to try fluids, I would throw up.  While undergoing these tests, and while they all initially didn't show anything ****il the lap), my surgeon told me this might just be my new normal.  It happens to some of us, with no explanation or reason.  He also thought that resting my stomach (put on i.v.) might help calm things downs as well.  I was in the hospital 8 days, and was only allowed to come home when I was able to keep down my fluids...Luckily for me, they found the issue.  I am so sorry that you are going through this.  I know you have had a rough time of it.  I am glad you went to the er and got blood work- at least you weren't dehydrated.  I wish I had a fix for you, but I don't.  Maybe being admitted and put on an iv. would help..as my surgeon thought it might have helped me.  Stay strong, and keep fighting.  Its not okay that you are in pain.  Feel free to pm me anytime...

Vicky (the other NewMe)

edited to add:  BIG


  • Referral:  Feb 2013/ Guelph  
  • RNY May 20th 2014 (Dr. Bhojani)                                                                         
  • 2nd RNY (revision due to marginal ulcers) Aug. 10th 2015 ( Dr. Bhojani)  
  • Revision to VSG (marginal ulcers): March 22nd 2016 (Hamilton, Dr. Hong)
  • Total Gastrectomy:  Dec. 15th 2016 (Hamilton, Dr. Hong)



on 10/17/14 9:28 am - Kitchener, Canada
RNY on 10/24/13

Thanks so much Vicky for the support. Yeah i'm kinda beyond frustrated right now. I've just been so teary eyed all day. When the Doc did the exploratory lap in february he said i had a very slim to none chance of ever developing a hernia, which i'm pleased about because i don't want to have any more surgery. If only there was an explanation for this episode though. Maybe my tummy needs rest and to reset but, i don't think my surgeon is going to admit me though coz i'm not vomiting. 

I'm glad that your issues were solved though and you are feeling better, new me mini, lol. I just hope that this is my new norm.


Karen M.
on 10/17/14 1:18 pm - Mississauga, Canada

Sorry to hear you have had such a rough go of it. In reading your description of symptoms it really does sound similar to what poor (fearless warrior!) NewMe2.0 just went through. Keep on the clinic, let them know when you are not feeling well or getting better.

I hope you are able to get to the bottom of this very soon.




Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 10/17/14 1:54 pm - Kitchener, Canada
RNY on 10/24/13

Thanks Karen for you kind concern. 

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