What are you eating/doing today (Wednesday)

on 10/14/14 7:49 pm

RNY  5 Years 6 Months Post Op


Had a great week north.  Weather was so so but I golfed and got out in the fresh air every day for over 13,000 steps each.  Today I have a lovely day planned beginning with a hair appointment to get highlights and cut....lunch with girlfriends,  and meeting my niece for dinner this evening.  I picked the restaurants for both lunch and dinner as I know the menu's well.  Bringing a cooler with me in the car so I have my 2 litres of water ready for between meals.

STEPS - 13,250


B - 2 large mugs of regular coffee

    Premier protein shake


S - 1/2 quest bar


L - 5 oz grilled shrimp

     1 cup of couscous salad


D - 5 oz beef tenderloin

    1 cup of green beans


S - 1 Source dessert yogurt


MYFITNESSPAL totals for the above menu are:  Calories - 1,017,  Carbs - 79 Grams,  Fat - 27 Grams,  Protein - 122 Grams


All water and vits

Have a great one  






on 10/14/14 8:27 pm, edited 10/14/14 8:28 pm

Good morning everyone.  Barb I'm glad that your week went so well.  Smart thinking about the cooler.  Have fun today with your friends and niece.  Today I finally get back to swimming, but today is also the day that I bring my friend of 30 years and our visitor, he is 83 and doesn't like me telling people his age because he could easily pass for being in his 70's.  This afternoon it's waiting around the house and doing chores while waiting for the furnace repair man.

12 weeks post-op

B. Chike protein coffee before swimming and lots of decaf with sugar free pumpkin spice creamer

S. Yoplait Greek yogurt

L. Shrimp chow mein

S. Another Chike protein coffee

D. 1/2 Dream Everything bagel with smoked salmon and Western light cream cheese

S. Fit frappe hot chocolate and Fit and Light blackberry yogurt

MFP totals Cal.761, Carbs 46, Fat 29, Protein 94

Have a great day everyone.

on 10/14/14 8:30 pm

I really dislike sitting around waiting for repairmen...( or women!). 

Great looking menu as usual CC.  I too eat the same things on a rotation basis.  Its just easier eh?






on 10/14/14 9:56 pm

Sounds like an awesome day planned, enjoy!  On the bus on my way to work, rainy day.  Will be hitting gym tonight.  

8.5 weeks post op

b - premier protein shake, multi, b12

s - sf mandarin Greek yogurt, cottage cheese... Later xl decaf coffee

l - lentils with onions, water

s - smart for life chocolate peanut butter protein bar, sf fruit punch kool aid

d - lentils and onions leftovers

s - sf protein chai tea

before bed - omega, vit d, meds

Karen M.
on 10/14/14 10:00 pm - Mississauga, Canada

Morning all :)

Welcome back, Barb! Sounds like you had a great week away - Happy Thanksgiving :)

CC, go forth and dominate. The force, strong with you it is. (nod to Yoda)

Leaving shortly for a doctor appointment, blood work, a computer lesson for my parents and lunch with them, coffee night tonight. Not sure what else!

8.5 years post-op

- coffee with cream x 2 -

B - Source Greek 50, Premier protein shake

L - leftover turkey, salad at my parents'

S - Chike protein iced coffee

D - early due to coffee night - homemade burger all the fixings no bun, a few bites spinach salad

S - coffee with cream while out, Source Greek 50 and 1/2 an apple sliced for dipping when I get home

Have a wonderful Wednesday!

K. :)



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 10/14/14 10:24 pm - London, Canada
RNY on 05/31/13

16 months post op

steps 13789


Welcome back Barb, glad to hear you had a good week North. Enjoy your day!

CC, enjoy your swim, (can hardly wait to hear more about your take over)

Karen, I too give my parents computer lessons, it seems like I give the same lesson every couple weeks....lol.

Not too much planned today, rainy here. Dog has been walked, work stuff is packed and ready to go. I am going to the gym before work again today :)


B- 13 c ff cottage cheese, 1/3 c Source cherry yogurt, 1 tbs hemp hearts

S (after workout) Sm banana 1 c homemade protein shake

L- 2 melbas, 85 grams spicy peanut tuna, 1/2 c sweet kale salad

D- 3 oz chicken  w/ 1/3 c turnip/carrots

S- 4 oz skim milk

Be well everyone








on 10/15/14 12:28 am - Canada
VSG on 09/17/13

VSG - Sept.17, 2013 - Dr. Jackson, SW - 285.4lbs, CW – 174.2lbs, Total Loss - 111.2lbs

Good morning everyone. Off work for a few weeks to regroup and catch my breath…

Have a good day.

B- Oatmeal with ground flaxseed, cinnamon, and coffee

Snack-Premier protein shake

L-Cottage cheese and diced tomatoes

D-Extra lean minced turkey and marinara sauce

Cal-775, Carbs-37, Fat24, Protein-102, Sugar-10, Chol-206






























































































































































































































































































on 10/15/14 2:47 am - Toronto, Canada

Good afternoon all. Did 10k race pace, and no more running until a little baby 3k on Saturday, before my BIG RACE SUNDAY!! I can't believe it's finally here!

Up since 4:30. 

B: Coffee and Banana pre-run, premier shake post

S: ryvita and cheese

L: salad with chicken, avacado, egg and such

S: unsure yet, but a latte for sure (up since 4:30....did I write that already?)

D: i'm thinking bacon and eggs for dinner! mmmm


Surgery March 23/2011. Completed three full marathons and two half marathons, two half Ironman distances. Completed my first Full Ironman distance (4 km swim, 180 km bike, 42.2 km (full marathon) run) in Muskoka August 30/2015. Next Ironman Lake Placid July 23/2017!

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