On being thankful

Karen M.
on 10/11/14 9:39 pm, edited 10/11/14 10:46 pm - Mississauga, Canada

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hopefully today isn't the only time we reflect on people and things in our lives that we are thankful for - sometimes I get caught up in life and don't take the time to think about what's important and who is important. Maybe you do too. Please share your "thanks".

First and foremost, I am thankful for my incredibly supportive family. I wouldn't be here today if it weren't for them. Along with that, I am forever thankful for my son, Jesse, for teaching me how to love unconditionally and the true meaning of patience.

I am thankful for my health. I couldn't say that on Thanksgiving last year and wasn't sure I'd see this one. So I am thankful to the many doctors, nurses, paraprofessionals and even OHIP for providing me the best possible care in times of desperation.

I am thankful for my wonderful friends - together we muddle through life, soothe losses and celebrate victories.

And I am so very thankful that I was given the opportunity to re-claim my health and life with weight loss surgery 8 1/2 years ago. Not only did it heal "food wounds" it brought me to this community of incredible people who have allowed me to lean on them and have allowed me to in turn reach out to them. Nothing feels as good as giving to others, if only a kind word, an encouraging thought, a word of advice, a kick in the ass.. that is true support.

Thank you for the opportunity to share, please share yours :)


Edited to add: I think I would be remiss if I didn't mention a couple of individuals who took advantage of my kindness, my heart, and my spirit. You wouldn't think I would ever be thankful to you - I am thankful that despite your actions and abuse, I am still the strong, giving, loving person I always was. You didn't break me, you taught me a lesson.




Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 10/11/14 11:13 pm - Canada
VSG on 02/12/13

Happy Thanksgiving

The most important thing I am thankful for today is my family I love them all so much. There are two really special people that I can not wait to see today my granddaughter and grandson when they come running through the door saying PAPA and NANA it just fills my heart up.

Today is going to be a day of reflection for me and my family hopefully because it is the last thanksgiving we will be spending here in the house we have called home for 17 years as we are moving next month to our condo in Mississauga.

It is a home that has brought many of friends and family together, plus was a home to members of our family that came to live with us and are no longer alive. When we sit down for dinner tonight I will remember those that enjoyed dinners, laughter, heartache and love in this home and I will think of the new memories we will be making in our new home. 

I think back to 2013 and remember what a crazy year it was with me having WLS which I am grateful for everyday and a health crisis in the family that changed all our lives.

I am grateful for OH and the fact that I can come here and read good and bad stories from people who are on the same journey as I am plus the friends I have met through OH to you all a big thank you because you may not know that when I read your words it helps me. I am also grateful to TWH and support groups because I have met some real special people who I know I just have to call or text and they will be there.

So today and everyday be thankful for what you have and that you can enjoy each and every day.




Referral- March 2012, Letter April 19, Orientation TWH- June 6, NP - July 3, Sleep Apena test July 16, Internist and SW  - July 17, Nutritional class - July 23, Dietician appt. July 30th, Psych-Social appt - Aug 20th. Follow up with doctor sleep apena Aug. 28th  Surgeons appt. - Dec. 14th Dr. Jackson. Surgery date - Feb 12 2013 - VSG   

Karen M.
on 10/11/14 11:17 pm - Mississauga, Canada

What a wonderful note. Thank you for sharing it, Lynn, and an early welcome to Mississauga!

Karen xo



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 10/12/14 4:07 am, edited 10/12/14 4:07 am - Ottawa, Canada

Happy Thanksgiving everyone:

I have so much to be thankful for, I really don’t know where to start. I think above all I am thankful to my only child, my 23 year old son. He has taught me so many things in his young life, lessons about how to love, laugh, cry and how to forgive. My son has taught me what unconditional truly means both with forgiveness and love. He is my 23 year old hero!

I am so thankful to the surgeon that performed my weight loss surgery. Although my encounter with him was less than five minutes those five minutes forever changed my life, it changed the course of my life.

I am so thankful to the doctor, the surgeon that did my partial nephrectomy two years ago. Knock on wood the cancer went with half my kidney. I still continue to experience nerve pain but thats OK, I can live with that.

I am so thankful for the people on this thread for giving of yourselves to help perfect strangers Sometimes we laugh sometimes we cry together, we are like family...we know each other so well without ever setting eyes on another (in some cases anyway).

Enjoy your turkey everyone. For those on Opti, this time next year you with be well on your way. 




In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.

Surgery July 22, 2011  Starting weight 270  128 lbs lost  Today's weight 142 lbs                 Ann       



on 10/12/14 4:28 am

Happy Thanksgiving.  I am thankful for a husband that has stood beside me for 30 years, he is my love, my best friend, my strength when I have none, my guinea pig when I try new recipes, my partner in crime, my confidant.  I am also thankful for this new chance at life that my surgeon gave me.

on 10/12/14 7:34 am - Canada

ditto for me, especially the last sentence!  I am still here too!

on 10/12/14 7:49 am - Canada
VSG on 09/17/13

VSG - Sept.17, 2013 - Dr. Jackson, SW - 285.4lbs, CW – 174.2lbs, Total Loss - 111.2lbs

When my head was full of worry and woes,

All I saw were problems and emotional lows.

What calmed my distressed and restless mind?

Work, food, and other distractions combined.


Many focused hours, days, months, and years

Have brought me understanding, peace, and of course tears.

To those who listened, supported, and even walked away,

I say thank you for helping me get to this day.






























































































































































































































































































on 10/12/14 10:14 am - Canada
RNY on 12/16/14

Today ( and everyday) I am thankful for so much in my life! I am thankful for my big darling of a husband who I love like crazy even when he drives me mental , I am ever thankful for my precious wee 7 year old son who surprises and delights me every single day with his sparkly and hilarious character !! ( today I walked into his bedroom and said " Ewan ..I want this room cleaned up " ...He goes " OK ! Sure ...I'll do anything for you my little love muffin "!!!!! Lol ) ....I am thankful for all my new friends I have made in Canada , and all my old friends who have stuck beside me even though we have been continents apart the last 9 years ! 

Lastly , I'm thankful for this chance to get healthy again through RNY , and how it had brought me here to this board and to all of this knowledge, experience and most of all wonderful support from all of you amazing people whom I juSt know , are gonna be one of the biggest tools in my arsenal , on my journey ahead . 

You are all awesome : ) 

Thank you all 

Jax xx


on 10/13/14 12:16 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

I went for a walk yesterday and reflected on the beautiful weather and how much I have to be thankful for. Before wls I would not have been able to be so active and involved in my life. I was sitting on the sidelines. I am thankful for a new lease on life

I am thankful for my great kids. They amaze me constantly. I am thankful for my husband who has been with me through all the ups and downs. He is my best friend.





on 10/13/14 9:02 am - Toronto, Canada

I am thankful for this amazing family of mine. Ross has given his love to me and my children, and I love his just as equally. We certainly have our times of trials, but it is certainly a trip I wouldn't change for the world!!

I am truly thankful the new lease on life I was given. Before surgery I would be counting down these last 9 years until my 50th birthday, the one my doctor said I wouldn't see. Now I am healthy, crazy-active and finally can't remember what it was like NOT being this active. I outrun my kids and I hope they think I'm a good role model for them. 

Thankful to my OH family, those I've met in person and those I have yet to meet. Staying with like-minded folk keeps us all going, and we can be strong, through the good and the bad, together.

i am also thankful for being able To look in the mirror and not hate what I see. I'm cute ;) lol

Surgery March 23/2011. Completed three full marathons and two half marathons, two half Ironman distances. Completed my first Full Ironman distance (4 km swim, 180 km bike, 42.2 km (full marathon) run) in Muskoka August 30/2015. Next Ironman Lake Placid July 23/2017!

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