Post Surgery Questions

on 10/8/14 7:03 am
RNY on 08/07/14

I assumed worst case that I’d be housebound for two weeks and prepared accordingly. I cooked up two weeks of meals (soups, strained and measured, then frozen), did some shopping for the perishable foods, and did a through clean of my house before surgery. I had my niece (who’s 15) stay with me for the first 2 days post op, as I also live alone.

Post op, my strangest limitations were reaching the items in my upper kitchen cabinets (glassware) and drying my hair after a shower (couldn’t flip my hair over and wrap in a towel). I was able to go for my 3, 15 min walks, shower and dress myself, and get in and out of bed. The bed part was a bit tender, as you don’t realize how much of your abdominals you use to get up, but was manageable. I was able to do my dishes and some very light housework (dusting, wipe down counters).
Before your surgery, see if you can line someone up for your bigger housework for a couple weeks. Running the vacuum around wasn’t going to happen for me, nor carrying out my garbage or taking my laundry to the laundry room. I had friends come by once a week and do the bare bones house work (garbage, laundry, change my sheets, sweep/vacuum, water my outside plants) and it took about 2 hours. I sent them home with wine and it seemed like a win/win.

on 10/8/14 7:29 am - Canada
RNY on 01/05/15

Thanks, everyone, for this information.  The more I hear from everyone, the less terrified I am.  The tips for how to prepare in advance are also helpful.  Thankfully my surgery isn't until January so I have time to get all the prep done beforehand without being rushed.  Thanks again!


 ~ Per aspera ad astra ☆彡 


on 10/8/14 8:53 am

Just had my rny a little over a week ago and I too live alone and was able to come home and be by myself from the beginning.  I just stayed overnight in the hospital then came home.  It is best you try to walk as much as possible in the hospital even if it just getting up to go to the bathroom. By my second morning I was doing laps around the nursing station.  Now I am home on a clear liquid diet until the 16th and to be honest I am not hungry but I keep watching tv and see all the food commercials and think oh that looks good lol.  I also live in a two story house....


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