So excited!

on 9/16/14 7:39 am

and so it begins!  Tomorrow is my orientation and I think I am going to have a hard time sleeping tonight.  I have  spent two years researching WLS and I am so excited to be at the first step in the process.  Now that the starting line is here, I am ready.... Oh so ready!!  

on 9/16/14 11:21 am

Congratulations and best of luck to you!

on 9/16/14 12:24 pm

Thanks so much!!  I really appreciate your kind words of support!

on 9/16/14 4:00 pm, edited 9/16/14 4:01 pm - Port Hope, ON, Canada
RNY on 02/11/14

Congrats! It is a very exciting time!

I have already had my surgery but my cousin is just beginning her journey and she goes for her orientation next Friday.  I am going to be joining her. I'm so excited for her! I was so nervous about her finding out about my surgery as I have already had a negative response....from my best friend so I chose to keep it basically to myself.  A month ago or so I finally confessed my secret. Little did I know she was already in the process of having the referral sent in 6 weeks prior!! She is one of my biggest supporters and this has brought us so incredibly close again. 

Good luck to you on your journey.....hold on tight because it's one heck of a ride!

Kim xo

Referral - Oct 29/13

Info Session - Nov 18/13...1st surgeon appt - Nov 26/13...RN/SW/RD - Dec - 4/13...Dr.Glazer - Jan 8/14...2nd Surgeon appt - Jan 22/14 PATTS - Jan 29/14...

SURGERY!!!! FEBRUARY 11th 2014.


on 9/17/14 8:19 am

Hi Kim!  Thanks for your words of encouragement!  Your cousin is very lucky to have you for support through this journey.  I think your support system is definitely important part of being successful.  I'm sorry that your friend was negative .  Maybe as she becomes more informed and also as she sees how you are feeling, her views will change.  I am lucky to have an amazing husband and group of "besties" who are excited for me and so supportive.  I know today was only the first step but it gets me one step closer to the finish line!! So I am buckled in for my ride and ready to go!! 

I am sure to have a million questions along the way, so glad OH is here for me!

thanks again!

Wesley T.
on 9/17/14 5:11 am - Canada

Orientation is a very exciting and nervous thing to be at, well it was for me. If you have been studying the topic of WLS you may find things rather dry, yet you will have tones of opportunity to ask questions, about the process and surgery. Enjoy it, this is the first step!! :)


SURGEON APT: FEB 06/15 SURGERY DATE: APRIL 13/15 HW: 333 (Pre-Optifast) CW: 260.5


on 9/17/14 8:44 am

Thanks!!  I can relate to the nerves definitely but I now feel even more informed and what I discovered today is that I now know I made the right decision to seek WLS.  The centre I am going through is amazing!  The three team members I met today are so knowledgeable and just seemed so committed to helping us through this process and being there afterwards.  I didn't ask many questions- I'm kind of shy, but thankfully this forum is a great place for me to ask questions.  I know there are so many- like you who can provide answers and words of wisdom and support! 


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