Sugar free jello

on 9/10/14 1:36 pm

I'm just ending day 1 of opti so far so good. How much sugar free jello can I eat?  The entire package or less?  How about broth and sf Popsicles?  Are these choices limitless?  


on 9/10/14 7:52 pm, edited 9/10/14 7:52 pm - Marmora, Canada

We were allowed 20 additional calories. I would have 1 serving of jello in the afternoon and broth for supper. I found the organics brand of chicken broth had the lowest calories. I added a few spices when I heated it up and imagined a great chicken soup. Lol. It is the one chance in the day to have somthing savoury not sweet. Good luck on your journey!!

on 9/11/14 6:42 am - Canada

I WAS ON opti FOR a year and I was told I could have as much Sugar Free Jello and broth as I wanted.

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