Hormone dumping post op rny?!!

on 9/6/14 8:11 am
RNY on 05/16/12

I agree with your response and want to say thank you for giving advice to the OP.

I also appreciate you sharing your issues, proving that you actually know what you are talking about.


HW 282 OW 273 SW 247 CW 232

on 9/6/14 9:39 am - Canada

That was well said someone had to tell her that tuth.......lol

on 9/6/14 11:05 am

Let me guess - your eating is always perfect too, right? Wow.

(deactivated member)
on 9/6/14 12:08 pm

As a matter of fact I am, I follow the plan, thats why I have lost 120 pounds, 

on 9/6/14 11:02 am

I am still learning new ways to deal with extreme emotions and I am not perfect, that is for sure.  No, it is not a good idea to use junk food to soothe myself and I have not done so in nearly 2 months now, which is something I am proud of. I would like to thank you for being having the courage to be direct, I appreciate your effort and I agree I need to change my way of dealing with these emotions.  I looked into panic attacks and I think it fits, but will check with my doctor.  One thing though - you say that you doubt I had extreme anxiety and depression and that is simply not true and really hurts. You say you have never used your feelings as an excuse to eat something to soothe yourself - please explain how you are able to do that.  I have never met someone like you and would like to know how you manage to be so perfect in your eating. thank you.

(deactivated member)
on 9/6/14 12:17 pm

As I said I follow the plan, I see professionals for my illness, I have great support at home. I want to be successful and eating chips and junk is not in my menu. I am very serious about my health now and go by the book, you can believe it or not, but I did not have this surgery to ruin what I waited so long to have. Its called wanting to live to be there for my family. No one forces me to eat different, I control what I put in my mouth, and that is my great accomplishment. No one forced you to eat chips as you say in an emergency situation. You did it all yourself.

on 9/6/14 1:15 pm

Glad to hear you have had success and I admire your determination. I intend to use the experience to push me to learn better coping strategies for the future.  I truly believe that nobody is perfect at anything, we are all works in progress.  Thank you for caring enough to reply to my post.

(deactivated member)
on 9/6/14 1:32 pm

You may believe what you wish, but when it comes to my health I certainly try to be as close to perfect as I can. I take this very seriously. If you choose not to believe me that is your option. But honestly you need to buckle down and get serious about this, I worry because you said you ate chips in an emergency situation. Next time you get like that drive yourself to a walk in clinic or the emerg dept, because something is differently wrong. As I said you made the excuse to eat, it didnt help you, it was comfort food. Honestly I did post the way I did because I do care, again believe it or not. Please tell your doctor everything you went through but food is not the answer to your problem

(deactivated member)
on 9/6/14 1:36 pm, edited 9/6/14 1:38 pm

I have suffered from panic attacks since I was a kid.  I take medication for it.  Taking Lexapro put weight on me.  It also caused me to crave carbs and I put on a lot of weight.  Just wondering, you say you never used your illnesses as an excuse to eat.  Perhaps you are referring to post WLS, but if it were before WLS, you were heavy, correct? Were you heavy because of the meds, or were you an emotional eater?

(deactivated member)
on 9/6/14 1:55 pm

of course i was heavy, one it is hereditary and 2 the meds, i have been on meds for 15 years, i have never been an emotional eater, i am the opposite, when i get into full depression and acute panic attacks last thing i want to do is eat, it would make me vomit. Now however i know i have to eat so i get down something small regardless

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