What are you eating/doing today (Friday)

on 9/4/14 8:50 pm, edited 9/4/14 8:52 pm

RNY  5 Years 5  Months Post Op


Don't you hate when you go up a few pounds yet have been eating cleanly?..lol....salt likely.  First day this week that isn't jammed packed for me.

STEPS - 8800


B - 2 large mugs of regular coffee

   Premier protein shake


L - 1 cup of tomato-pepper-onion and feta salad

    4 oz grilled chicken


S - 3 wasa with 1/2 cup of melted shredded habanero


D - 2 eggs with 2 thick slices of Canadian bacon


S - Source dessert yogurt


MYFITNESSPAL totals for the above menu are:  Calories - 1,015,  Carbs - 42 Grams,  Fat - 47 Grams,  Protein - 100 Grams


All vits and water

Have a great one  






on 9/4/14 9:15 pm

Good morning.  I know I am new at this Barb, but it seems that my weight goes up a little for a few days and then drops lower that it was originally.  That's the way it was this week an now I am down today.  Wow getting your husband to peel 10lbs of potatoes is a miracle that would never happen in my house.  Today is chores around the house and then out with a friend to listen to live music at dinner.  My menu reflects the best choice I can make on the menu for now (will do salads in under 2 months) and cleaning out my fridge.

7 weeks post-op

B. small poached egg on smoked salmon with 1 tablespoon Hollandaise, decaf coffee with coffeemate sf creamer

S. Unjury protein coffee

L. The Keg crab cake with Hollandaise and Danone Sihouette greek yogurt

S. Low fat ricotta with 1 teaspoon Blue Menu sf raspberry jam

D. 2 1/4 oz blackened shrimp and 1oz cheesy grits (more leftover grits, they give you so much for a side.)

S. Liberte greek yogurt and sf jam, decaf coffee.

MFP totals Cal 965, Carbs 46, fat 35, Protein 105

Have a good day everyone

on 9/4/14 9:55 pm - Canada
VSG on 09/17/13

VSG - Sept.17, 2013 - Dr. Jackson, SW - 285.4 lbs, CW – 178.0 lbs, Total Loss - 107.4 lbs

Good morning everyone!

TGIF!!! It has been one heck of a week...good news...I get to do it better next week.

It is going to be a hot one so don't forget to hydrate(gawd I sound like such a teacher ).

Wishing everyone a great weekend. Karen--have a fabuuuu time at your luncheon!!!

B- Oatmeal with ground flaxseed & cinnamon and coffee

S-Greek yogurt

L-Cottage cheese and diced tomatoes

D- Tuna and tomatoes

Snack-Greek yogurt

Cal-682, Carbs-51, Fat-9, Protein-103, Sugar-20, Chol-77





























































































































































































































































































Onward and

on 9/4/14 10:09 pm - Canada
RNY on 11/07/12

Morning Barb! I hate that too! There seems to be no rhyme or reason to why I gain or lose weight these days. Some days I'm great, do lots of exercise, eat everything on plan and then gain. Other days, I say screw it, eat when I'm hungry, don't track, eat stuff I normally wouldn't, drink alcohol, and then I'm down two pounds. LOL! Good luck today in wiping them off the scale. :)

Yesterday evening, I had a terrifying episode that I now realize was probably reactive hypoglycemia. I've dumped lots of times before, and that has similar physical symptoms, but I've never had anything like this happen before. It was really scary, especially since I was so confused that I had no idea what it could be and no way to think it through. My husband got a good scare from it too, but luckily he has had experience with this before (his late wife before me was a type 1 diabetic), so eventually, once I started sweating profusely in our air conditioned place, he put two and two together. 

It wasn't the physical reaction that was terrifying for me - when I dump, I know I'm dumping and just do whatever needs to be done - lie down, rest it off. It was the mental stuff - complete confusion. It was like being in a nightmare while awake, confused, foggy, feeling like I was drunk or on a really bad trip (and I've never been high, so I just imagine that's what a bad trip would feel like). Terrible anxiety for no reason, and completely unable to think.  And too weak and dizzy to move.  And unable to figure out or explain what I was feeling. That, coupled with the sweats, the dizziness, and the weakness and blood pounding was awful.

My husband asked me what I had to eat that day, and I couldn't tell him because I couldn't think. I just said I didn't know. I remembered the last thing I ate and told him (it was pretty sucky - crackers with a spread that had too much sugar and no protein in it), and that had been a couple of hours before (dumping usually happens within half an hour).  So he said, "Okay, you're going to have to eat something." I was undressed in our bedroom and trying to nap at the time (I had stripped down due to feeling hot and sweaty), but I couldn't even get clothes on, I was so confused and weak. So I suggested he grab me a protein bar. He went down, grabbed one, brought it back, and then I ate it and started coming out of it. After 20 minutes, I felt mostly normal mentally and able to think clearly, but very tired, so I slept the rest of the night straight through.

I realized this morning, after googling (and remembering what Dawn has had to say about it here in the past), that this is probably RH. Guess I should've known that I'd be prone to that, since I am a dumper too. Time to get serious about the refined sugar, I guess. I never want that to happen again! Dumping I can sort of handle even though it sucks, because I know what it is and why it's happening, but that whole mental thing was the scariest thing I've ever been through.  I went off the WW wagon yesterday (already...sigh), so time to jump back on, I guess!  Strangely enough, fruit and vegetables, even sweet ones, never seem to make me dump. But I didn't have much if any fruit or veggies yesterday.


B - Open face egg sandwich on a toasted slice of P28 bread

S - Protein bar, possibly an apple later in the morning if still hungry

L - More leftover Thai basil shrimp - 2/3 cup of it, over 1/4 cup rice noodles, and some cherry tomatoes on the side

S - 1/2 cup of ricotta/vanilla/splenda with 1/2 cup blackberries on top (fresh from farmer's market, yum!)

D - Roasted chicken breast marinaded in jerk sauce, a couple of small spoonfuls of sweet potato on the side, green beans

S - Not sure - we'll see if I need anything and if I have the WW points for it left. Maybe just a skim milk cappucino or some edamame beans.

Have a great day, everyone!

Referral to registry: Oct 21, 2011    Orientation (TWH): Feb 22, 2012     Surgery: Nov 7, 2012

Come to Toronto East End Coffee Nights! Click here for details.


on 9/4/14 11:36 pm - Toronto, Canada

Yep, very much an RH reaction. The case of the "stupids" is the big indicator. I also get angry, and I have hit a friend who was getting in my face laughing at my confusion. He understands my low sugar issues now LOL. 

Best case practice if you have this issue again, is to get your sugars up (maybe with juice...I carry Dex tabs), and then follow it with protein 20 minutes later. That spikes your sugar, and then stabilizes it with the protein after. I also get tired, and in cases when I actually passed out briefly (twice), I get a bad headache. My RH doesn't seem to react with food, but with lack of food...and stress...and somehow...shopping. It has gotten much MUCH better. My NUT told me that a lot of people will have reactions, and then almost grow out of it. I have less and less reactions the further out I get....or maybe because I know what usually triggers it, and it's become my new normal. 

I see you're on WW. I've read that it's great for a few people who want the accountability. Let us know what you think. 


Surgery March 23/2011. Completed three full marathons and two half marathons, two half Ironman distances. Completed my first Full Ironman distance (4 km swim, 180 km bike, 42.2 km (full marathon) run) in Muskoka August 30/2015. Next Ironman Lake Placid July 23/2017!

Onward and

on 9/5/14 2:42 am - Canada
RNY on 11/07/12

Thanks, Kelly, it's great to get your feedback. Regarding what to do, do you think that a protein bar is a good "first aid" thing? It seemed to work as a spike because of the sugar in it but I am thinking maybe the protein and fiber that they also have might help level off the sugar a bit. 

As for WW...well, we'll see. I'm tracking a lot more this week than I have in a long time, so maybe this will be the accountability key for me. Fingers crossed!

Referral to registry: Oct 21, 2011    Orientation (TWH): Feb 22, 2012     Surgery: Nov 7, 2012

Come to Toronto East End Coffee Nights! Click here for details.


on 9/5/14 5:52 am - Toronto, Canada

Protein bar might work. It has helped me in the past, when I have started to feel that I was getting low. In the kind of distress that you were in, it would take awhile to get into your system to get your levels back up. 

Surgery March 23/2011. Completed three full marathons and two half marathons, two half Ironman distances. Completed my first Full Ironman distance (4 km swim, 180 km bike, 42.2 km (full marathon) run) in Muskoka August 30/2015. Next Ironman Lake Placid July 23/2017!

Onward and

on 9/5/14 6:04 am, edited 9/5/14 6:04 am - Canada
RNY on 11/07/12

Yeah, it was just what we had on hand and I didn't know if having something with a more pure hit of sugar would just make it worse. (Well, I didn't know anything at the time, LOL!) It fixed me up surprisingly quickly - in about 5 minutes, my brain was working again. But it was a Quest bar, and those things are just loaded with sugar, so I guess that's not surprising. And I kind of inhaled it. Haha.

Thanks again for your advice! I will look into those other things you were talking about to carry with me. My husband also wants me to get a glucometer, but I'm not sure I really need that. I think at the point where I'm getting stupid, I will know from now on that it's sugar to the rescue.

Referral to registry: Oct 21, 2011    Orientation (TWH): Feb 22, 2012     Surgery: Nov 7, 2012

Come to Toronto East End Coffee Nights! Click here for details.


on 9/4/14 11:27 pm - Toronto, Canada

Barb, I hate it when I go DOWN a few pounds from eating horribly. Me, on vacation. Lots went through me. And now i'm back on track and up those few pounds, plus one. LOL. Weird.

Today I took my van into the shop at 6 a.m., and ran the 4k home. This is me, running errands. LOL

Spinning class with my coach/friend. Yay. I will just be coasting through this class, as I have a long run tomorrow (32K). I go to spin for the fun, and to flush out my legs on days like this!

B: just ate a quest bar...sudden craving. One a day until the box is empty. I love these things too much. Next time there is a sale...I shall ignore it!

S: goat yogurt mix

L: pasta with chicken. (carb-loading....hopefully I don't fall asleep at my desk)

S: unsure

D: unsure again! Protein and veggies, with maybe couscous for the rest of my carbs 


Surgery March 23/2011. Completed three full marathons and two half marathons, two half Ironman distances. Completed my first Full Ironman distance (4 km swim, 180 km bike, 42.2 km (full marathon) run) in Muskoka August 30/2015. Next Ironman Lake Placid July 23/2017!

on 9/4/14 11:33 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Good morning Barb. Enjoy your day. Since my husband did not have to get up for work today he forgot to set the alarm. Got up at 7:45. When my husband is of he likes to drive me to work. Actually I drive in and he drives home. I told him last night that no way would he drive me since streets were closed off. Well I was so late that I drove in. I got as far as Wellington and John and gave up. Walked the rest of the way.  So at least got some steps in and was only a couple of minutes late. Our biggest grant is coming in for a tour and to see what we have spent their money on so wanted to be here in case our boss need anything. Not a day I wanted to be late.

I am going to join the local pool again today. Go back to swimming lengths. I need exercise for when I do not bike. Days like today with thunder and rain on the way I do not bike. I had stopped due to heart issues but I now have a pill I can take. I will see if it helps.

Also since I kind of ran out of the house I do not know what is for dinner. I am guessing chicken because I know there is some in the fridge. However it will be what ever my husband decides to cook.

b greek yogurt, granola

s 2 baby bel

l chicken with cauliflower, cabbage salad

s pure protein bar

d chicken, cabbage salad

s I have an MRI at 8:30 tonight so not sure if I will have one when I get home.

so far cal 816,carb 47.5, prot 76





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