Metamucil vs benefiber - tmi question.... Be prepared!!
So I have been having a lot of issues going #2. I have been taking one senna and one stool softener every night and still have crazy issues... So, 4 stool softness, 2 suppositories and an enema later, I went to the walk in... He gave me restoralax and told me to take Metamucil and stool soften eras daily. He specifically said psyllium fibre.... What do you take and is there am important difference between the two? I finally went by my goodness, I felt like I just gave birth again
i am exactly a month out and had gone #2 exactly 4 times in that period. I am cautious of fiber as it might make it harder since the issue right now is really an empty colon and its a long way down for the little food that I consume now. I also take soflax and took prunes a few days ago that did the trick. Leaving enema for a depressing rainy Friday evening :))
Pat is right on the money. All the fiber and stool softeners you take will do you no good if you don't get the water in. I feel for you! I have been pretty lucky in this area and I only had one day where I felt really terrible and constipation ended up being the reason. I felt a million times better when that was over!!