Waiting for my date Ottawa

on 8/19/14 3:45 pm

I saw the surgeon May 29/14 Dr. Mammaza and I'm still waiting to get a date. In the meantime my life is on hold.  I'm eating everything in sight too thinking I might get the call any day to start opti.  How much longer?  It's driving me batty. 

on 8/19/14 10:38 pm - Ottawa, Canada
VSG on 02/03/14

Now is the time to start practicing all those good habits and lifestyle changes that you are going to need post-op. For example, protein first. Then some veggies. Then a bit of carb if needed. Watch your fluid intake; no drinking before/after meals within the acceptable window. Try to get some exercise. All those good things. When you do have to start the Opti, going hog wild with food now will really make it all that much harder.

I know that in Ottawa, they usually give you a few weeks' notice before you need to start the Opti. We're almost at the beginning of September. In Ottawa, the surgeons usually meet in the first week or so of the month to decide surgeries for the FOLLOWING month. So in September, they'll plan for October (or further). In October, they plan November/December. In November, they plan December/January, and so on. You might get a call in September to have surgery in October, so that would mean Opti near the middle/end of September. As I said, they give you a few weeks' notice.

However, don't put your life on hold! Go ahead! Do the things you usually do. Plan and attend events, same as always. Until they call you, it's out of your hands and when they call you, you will be able to rearrange as needed... or cancel. Some things are worth cancelling for! That said, I wouldn't pay for any flights in the next couple of months or the like.

Wishing you lots of luck!

OTTAWA -- 2011 - Contemplated WLS Feb. 15, 2013 - GP Feb. 20 - lung functioning Feb. 22 - blood work Feb. 27 - Referral April 19 - orientation, bloodwork July 10 - nurse July 23 - rheumatologist (VSG) Sept. 12 - Behaviourist & Dietician Oct. 23 - Echocardiogram Nov. 6 - Pre-surgery Class Nov. 12 - Surgeon Jan 13, 2014 - Optifast (3 wks) Jan. 27 - PATTS Feb. 3, 2014 - Surgery (VSG)
303 Pre-Opti 297 SW 271 GW 170 CW 200 (Feb. 8, 2018 - damn the regain!) VSG with Dr. Yelle

on 8/20/14 7:33 am - Ottawa, Canada

I had RNY surgery in Ottawa with Dr. Neville last year    I signed the paper work on August 13. I was called with a surgery date the first week of September. I started the Optifast diet the first week of October and had my surgery three weeks later on Oct 24 2013. When you met with the Dietitian you should of started down the road of eating the proper foods. You should of started reducing the meal size as well. Do your best to continue your life. Keep your food journal going  or start one if you hadn't. It helps with both before and after the surgery.  Best of luck





on 8/20/14 11:50 am - Iroquois, Canada

I understand exactly what you are saying. I met with Dr. Neville on May 20 and still haven't heard anything.  I haven't seen any September surgery dates for Ottawa posted anywhere.  I was told approximately 4 months so I would imagine that a call should be coming my way anytime. 

Referral July 3, 2013 * Orientation October 16, 2013 * Nurse Practitioner November 6, 2013 * Ultrasound December 9, 2013 * Nutritionist & Social Worker December 12, 2013 * 2nd Nutritionist January 27, 2014  *Pulmonary Functions Test Feb 6, 2014* Endoscopy Feb 14, 2014*  2nd Nurse Practitioner March 3, 2014*  Pre-Surgical Class April 16, 2014* Surgeon Dr. Neville May 20, 2014* Surgery October 2, 2014

on 8/21/14 6:53 am - Canada

I met Dr. Neville on April 13th in Ottawa and I called for an update regarding my file on Monday and they told me Lana should be calling me with an appointment within the next 4 weeks....this has definitely been the hardest part for me so far pre-op........... WAITING!!! I hope we hear soon!

on 9/1/14 10:05 am - Canada

Don't seat back pick up that phone and give the dr office a call.

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