Upcoming surgery

on 8/15/14 10:17 am - Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
RNY on 08/22/14


I'm writing to clarify something and get your opinions. I had a band for about 6 years and had it removed. (Long story - not important here). The band, as most may know, restricts the amount of food taken in, therefore you feel full much quicker. Of course you could cheat with high calorie foods that slide through easily, thus defeating your purpose. But if you maintained a heathy diet you'd be ok. However, there are claims that for some, as time goes by, it becomes more difficult to maintain that optimum restriction ie either the band feels too loose or too tight. As there is no anatomical change, the stomach can still hold whatever amount of food the band allows through.

With roux-en-y surgery there are structural changes. The claim is that immediately post-op you don't feel any hunger due to swelling and healing (everything settling into its new state). But at about 18 months appetite increases. (This is where some experience weight gain). What I'm wondering is, because the stomach is permanently much smaller than before, and it's just the restrictive feeling that lessens, will you still feel full on a small amount of food provided it isn't made up of high calorie foods that slide down easily?

Sorry for this long rambling post. I'm kind of bored/anxious/hungry(pre-op shakes) waiting for surgery. LOL

Thanks :)

on 8/15/14 10:43 am - Mississauga, Canada
RNY on 08/11/14

Well I only had surgery on Monday and eating seems like a chore.  I have no desire to eat but am forcing myself.

on 8/15/14 11:24 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

There are always stories of people eating around the restriction. You can eventually stretch the stoma and thus eat more.

By 18 mths to 2 years the malabsorption will end. SO you start to absorb all the calories you are consuming. This is often when people run into problems. They have not used the mal absorption period to learn to eat better. They have found they could eat crap and they would not gain.

I still feel full on about 1 1/2 cup of food. I have had to learn to handle my food demons. You will still crave food the further out you go. There is a saying that they operate on you stomach not your head.

Good luck with your journey





on 8/15/14 3:25 pm, edited 8/15/14 3:27 pm - Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
RNY on 08/22/14

Thanks for your reply, it was very reassuring. I understand the mechanism but was just concerned with long-term success. I consider myself a lucky over-eater (LOL - there's a mind twist for you), all I mean is I'm not a picky eater, I like everything. So making healthy choices isn't a big problem. It's a case of hunger vs appetite. I'm not worried about getting my appetite back, and I know over time your "pouch" can stretch to allow a greater intake of food. I just want to be assured that I'll still feel full on a small amount. 


ps Just saw your photos, you look fabulous! Congratulations.

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