What are you eating/doing today (Friday)

on 8/14/14 8:46 pm, edited 8/14/14 8:50 pm

RNY  5 Years 4 Months Post Op


Slept thru the night for the first time in ages...and finally weighed myself after 2 weeks of carbs carbs and more carbs...not as bad as I thought it was going to be.  Going to try and go really low today to kick start myself again.

STEPS - 6800


B - 2 large mugs of coffee

     3 oz leftover beef tenderloin


L - 1 panko crusted tilapia filet


D - 2 cups of tomato-pepper-onion and feta salad

    4 oz grilled chicken


S - 2 Source dessert yogurt


S - 4 whole pickled beets - the Love Beets collection found at Longo's....I have been eating the fiery ones...they are excellent and take my cravings for sweet or salty away


MYFITNESSPAL totals for the above menu are:  Calories - 720, Carbs - 35 Grams,  Fat - 22 Grams,  Protein - 80 Grams


All water and vits

Have a great one   






on 8/14/14 10:02 pm

Good morning Barb.  The cold weather at night has made it easier for me to sleep, but this morning I woke up freezing.  Time to put the duvet on the bed.  Yesterday was my first day of regular food, and all went well but for a brief period of the "trots" about an hour after dinner.  I'm not sure if it was a reaction to what I ate or just the fact of eating solid food.  Today I am meeting a friend for lunch and then hubby and I are going to a friend's for dinner.  She has already told me she is making salmon.  It's a little scary this early out to eat at someone else's house.

4 weeks post-op

B. 1 poached egg with a little bit of hollandaise, 1 large decaf coffee with french vanilla sweetener (it's not tenderloin for breakfast, but still pretty lush at this stage)

S. 1 Greek 50 yogurt

L. We are going to Williams so I may have the soup or something with salmon

S. Never did eat the protein icecream, so maybe I'll finish that

D. Salmon, not sure what else

S.  If this cold weather keeps up maybe an Unjury protein chicken broth before bed

Barb hope your foot doesn't bother you this weekend if you are playing golf, and from the looks of your menu, you've got the carb monster under control today.  Have a good day.

on 8/14/14 10:35 pm

salmon was never a problem for me....does your friend know you had surgery?...just so they dont make a fuss re how little you eat...






on 8/15/14 12:16 am

No I haven't told her, only my husband and the medical staff know.  I have told my friend that my stomach issues are back and that I probably will only eat a small amount and it is no reflection on her cooking. It is amazing how many of my friends have some sort of stomach/intestinal issue (ulcers, IBS, diverticulitis, gastritis etc)  I guess we are all of an age where things go wrong, so no one questions stomach issues.  I'm hoping that like you, salmon will not be an issue for me.  If I find it is very dry, I will take a very small sip of water with each bite.

on 8/14/14 11:01 pm - London, Canada
RNY on 05/31/13

14 months post op

steps 9204


Good morning all,

Barb, yay to sleeping all night :) have a great weekend!

Craving, salmon never gave me a problem, enjoy your day :)

Today I will attemp to get all the chores done today so tomorrow Jasper and I can go to PAWlooza! Doggie festival that they have every year! Lots of vendors and rescue agencies, along with trainers, groomers and such to ask questions. And you get to see all kinds of dogs :)

B- protein coffee, small banana w/ 1 tbls peanut butter

S- 1 egg muffin

L- Cloverleaf snack size tuna w/ 3 melbas

S- pure protein bar

D- BBQ chicken breast w/ 1 cup garden salad no dressing

S- Tea and something protein if I need it

Be well everyone,









on 8/15/14 12:20 am

Another vote for salmon that's encouraging.  PAWlooza sounds like so much fun. Nothing makes me happier than seeing puppies jumping all over each other, or my favourite is when a really old dog recognizes you and starts to wag his tail, hits me right in the heart.  

Tanya your menu looks yummy

on 8/14/14 11:07 pm - Canada
VSG on 09/17/13

Good morning!

I hope the weather is warm today because I’m hosting a family BBQ with a lot of yummy food, wine and Margaritas. It’s going to be a lot of fun!! I know what I’m having for breakfast and lunch, but I’m not going to bother writing down dinner because I’m going to eat and drink whatever I like. Back on track Saturday.

Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend!

B- Oatmeal with ground flaxseed & cinnamon and coffee

L-Boiled egg and tomato slices





























































































































































































































































































on 8/14/14 11:48 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Have fun. I hope it warms up a little for you





on 8/14/14 11:54 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Glad you got some sleep last night. Our dog must of ate something that did not agree with him. He has been waking us up at 2 or 3 am to go out. If we ignore him he has an accident in the basement. I am going to make him some rice tonight to help him. I took him out at 9:30 last night but he woke up my husband at 3:00am. It is times like this I am glad Jim is his favourite. LOL

I am going to be a proud mother for a moment. This clip is from the Taste of the Danforth. They are playing Buskerfest at Dundas Square next Thursday. We will miss it since we will be away.

I ate really bad yesterday. Not sure where my brain was. It appeared to be absent. So back on track today. I am going to a pizza lunch but am bringing my own food. I do not have the will power to just eat the topping. It is the crust I like the most

b liberte yogurt, granola

s 2 baby bel

l deli ham with cheese, yogurt

s grapes

d chicken, zucchini with Parmesan, salad

s desert yogurt

cal 844, carb 54.8, prot 67.3





on 8/15/14 12:23 am

Pat you have every right to be proud, amazing.  I hope your dog feels better soon so that all 3 of you can get a good night's sleep.  Have a good weekend. Let's hope for warmer weather.

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