anyone watching My Weight is Killing Me

on 8/13/14 12:24 am

I DVR'ed this show and am watching it right now, actually.  I know what you mean about not knowing what to think about it. I don't know if I can properly articulate it, but there is something just off about this show. For instance, one of the episodes showed a 400lb woman (who cried through the entire show) and insurance denied her claim....and the show implied that she has no chance in getting the surgery now, and I'm yelling "APPEAL IT! " at the tv.  The reason why this poor woman didn't get approved is most likely because the psyc said she wasn't ready (in their little round table discussion). Why did they bother to submit it to insurance then??? Did they tell this poor lady that she needs to be treated for her depression first? Smh. 

Also, and I am uber sensitive about this so this may cloud what I am about to say, there is an overtone in all of these weight loss shows, especially this one, that obesity= bad person and weight loss = good person. Just because I have issues with my weight doesn't mean that I am stupid, ignorant about nutrition, or an immoral person. 



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