What are you eating/doing today (Sunday)

on 8/3/14 2:31 am - Canada

Hi Karen

 In away I guess it is modified it is 1200 calories each day according to Fitpal and my diabetes specialist. Mind you each meal seems to take over an hour to eat and the meals are about 4- 6 hours apart from each other. Everyday is a strugle to g et the exact calories in that they want normally I end up at least 200 short each day.

Next week is my check ups with everybody so I think I can convince them to lower my numbers and assit in changeing the daily diet.

As well as increase my exercise levels a smigge more if possible



Karen M.
on 8/3/14 2:49 am - Mississauga, Canada

Well it seems to be working - great loss of 34.5 pounds. I was just a little shocked with the "22 wheat thins", re-read it a few times.



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 8/3/14 3:37 am

Hello ladies, a very late start to the day for me today.  Once again a  fitful night.  Barb and Karen you are such troopers the gone on with broken toes, don't think I could walk a golf course, when my arthritis acts up, I take it easy to try on stay on top of it.  Zizzler, you are far more imaginative with Opti than I was, hang in there girl, not long now.  Might go to the movies with hubby tonight.  He will eat popcorn so hopefully that won't drive me crazy.  Maybe I'll bring some protein water.

2 weeks post-op full fluids

B. well because I'm so late getting up, maybe a Syntrax Cappucino protein shake

S. 1 large cup decaf with sweetener

L.  strained Chicken a la King soup with 1 scoop protein powder

S. 1 Source exotic yogurt

D.  1 cup tomato soup made with 1% milk

S.  if we go to the movies, 1 Special K strawberry kiwi protein mix added to water

Have a good Sunday everyone

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