What are you eating/doing today (Sunday)

on 8/2/14 7:34 pm

RNY  5 Years 4 Months post Op


Day 2 of the golf tournament.....I now have 3 toes that are heavily bruised.....and since I am walking funny - my hip has gone out....what a treat...lol......didn't completely blow up in score yesterday.....but not my usual round....hopefully better today...

My eats will be different today due to my tee off time.....and I will have a glass of wine with the girls after the round....and I have planned for a glass with my dinner tonight.....more then I would usually imbibe

STEPS - 14,570


B  2 large mugs of coffee

    Premier protein shake


S before I leave for the course- 1 hot Italian sausage link


S on the golf course- 1 Oh Yeah bar

                                1 hard boiled egg


S after golf - 1 glass of chardonnay

                   20 mini pretzels dipped in a wonderful cheese spread


D - 3 oz grilled chicken

     2 cups of tomato-pepper and feta salad

     1 glass of merlot


S - bowl of  3/4 cup of wild blueberries with 3/4 cup of cold skim milk


MYFITNESSPAL totals for the above menu are:  Calories - 1,553,  Carbs - 86 Grams,  Fat - 53 Grams,  Protein - 101 Grams


All water and vits

Have a great one  








on 8/2/14 10:15 pm

Good morning,

Well opti is chugging along, I am nearly half-way through.  Stepped on the scale this morning and I am down 5 pounds since starting.  It is so strange how my body works - no weight loss for over a week and then boom 5 pounds gone all at once. Been having weird and upsetting dreams lately and I think it is anxiety about my upcoming surgery.  So I am up early on a Sunday even though I would have liked to sleep in - oh well.  Have some grocery shopping to do today - my list will be short!  Going to make sure to have my shake right before shopping to make sure I do not feel hungry while shopping. Also going to bring a beverage to have while shopping.  I am having a sort of opti pudding celebration this weekend experimenting with different flavours - root beer vanilla and chocolate orange were good combos.

B - chocolate opti pudding with sf cherry flavour, 2 Metamucil caps

S - sf grape Dasani, sf Dasani pink lemonade popsicle

L - vanilla opti pudding with sf root beer flavouring, 2 Metamucil caps

S - leftover beef and vegetable broth with pepper and herb mix, water with fresh lemon and lime

D - chocolate opti pudding with almond extract, 2 Metamucil caps

S - vanilla opti pudding with sf lemon flavouring

S - sf pineapple coconut nesfruta frozen popsicle (new flavour, it is nice), Dasani sf pink lemonade



Highest: 320, Surgery: 255 (Aug/14), Lowest: 132, Current: 167, Goal: 155

Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards. - Soren Kierkegaard

on 8/2/14 10:34 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

I had some weird dreams before surgery. I usually do not remember them but these I did. I am sure it is just anxiety over up coming surgery. Your experiments for opti look great





on 8/3/14 5:26 am

Thank you Pat, I have been trying to mix things up in order to feel less deprived and it seems to be working.

The opti puddings are a nice change, almost like eating solid food.

The nightmares have been pretty much every night - its like my brain is trying to figure out something for me while I am sleeping.  Had several dreams where I am eating regular food and then I realize I am supposed to be on opti. 

Karen M.
on 8/3/14 1:07 am - Mississauga, Canada

Yours is about the most creative Optifast menu I've seen - good for you!



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 8/3/14 5:28 am

Thanks, I have been trying to keep things interesting but it is not easy when there is so little to work with.  Only 11 more days of opti until surgery - wow!!

on 8/2/14 10:31 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Barb, I hope after today you can stay off your foot for a while. Enjoy your tournament. Sounds like fun. I think I was pretty tired from camping yesterday. Ended up not doing a lot yesterday.

If the weather cooperates we will be going for a bike ride. Maybe just to the Distillery for a coffee. Need to take the dog for a walk first.

b. yogurt, granola, blueberries

l tuna, melba toast, yogurt

d basil chicken, salad, carrots

s cherries

cal 947 carb 101.7, prot 74.3

I may add a snack in the afternoon if I bike ride





Karen M.
on 8/3/14 1:05 am - Mississauga, Canada

Morning all,

Feeling rather sluggish this morning, need to get moving here shortly. At the very least, my garden needs it's daily beautification. Not sure about the rest of the day!

Barb, you are one tenacious woman - power to you for getting out there on the course! A couple of years ago I'm pretty sure I broke my big toe somewhere or fractured my foot in that area after moving too quickly through the living room and taking myself out on the iron/glass coffee table. Stupidly, I didn't go to the doc, just figured I'd walk it off. Well, that took about a year and my ugly toes are decidedly uglier, if that's possible. lol

Anyway, I've become used to the fact that I'm an accident waiting to happen. All part of my charm. :/

8 years post-op

B - coffee with cream x 3 over the morning, iogo 0%, strawberries

S - Premier protein shake

L - I am on a tuna kick - 5 oz tuna salad, 3 melba toast, raw veggies for dipping

S - probably a protein iced coffee, 2 oz cheddar and crackers and a few grapes, depending on how late dinner is

D - 4 oz BBQ chicken, cob of corn, 1/3 cup sweet kale salad

S - more tuna salad if there's any left, decaf with cream

Have a good one,




Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 8/3/14 1:57 am - Canada

1 month and 8 days after surgery

Been helping my father move from a three bedroom apartment into his bachelor pad so exhausted emotionally and physically but ready for a busy week.

B- 1 bottle Boost Diabetic Strawberry, 1 slice cooked turkey breast, 22 wheat thin crackers

S- 1 cup chicken broth

1 liter froxen water through out the day

L- 1/2 cup hummus, 7 unsalted soda crackers, 1/2 cup cottage cheese

S- 3 cubes cut up honey dew melon

D- 3 oz sliced chicken breast , 1/2 cup mashed potatoe

S- 1 vanilla low fat skim milk pudding and 1 oz of sliced deli meat

Down 34 and a half pounds since surgery

All vitamins taken and all water

Karen M.
on 8/3/14 2:19 am - Mississauga, Canada

I think I must be missing something with the food plan you're following. 22 wheat thins? 3 oz chicken plus 1/2 cup mashed potatoes? I would be full on that now several years post-op. Are you on a modified post-op diet from Hamilton?



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

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