Awesome, Just Fantastic! [Sarcasm]

Wesley T.
on 8/1/14 11:50 am - Canada

Sorry to sound so sour, but I have just come back from a Gastroscopy (Thought it was called Endoscopy) anyways... Turns out I have a Hernia not sure if it is Hiatal since I was still dozy when Dr. Wang told me this all, but when you search for Stomach and Hernia all that comes up is Hiatal. And I have 5 polyps in my Stomach as well. They biopsied then and results soon, but I am sure it is fine!

So, my big question. Do you all think this will put a big stop to my surgery? Or does this information really have no bearing as my stomach will be sliced and diced anyways? I know for certain the Surgeon will need this report of course, and he will make those judgement to his discretion. Just very curious. Thank you 

on 8/1/14 12:11 pm - Canada
RNY on 10/22/13

The hernia won't slow down your surgery at all, They will just repair a hiatial hernia DURING your RNY. The polyps...if they are nothing...shouldn't slow it down either =)

Opti October 1. PATTS October 8th and RNY Surgery October 22, 2013

LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Wesley T.
on 8/1/14 12:59 pm - Canada

I had read that on another part of the forums, that it can be repaired during the surgery. So that is a nice little bonus :) I guess I am laser focused, I really didn't expect anything to come today out of the lookie loo' in my stomach. LOL. Hope to soon being a Pouch! Thank you for the time to reply I appreciate it LittleMiss 

on 8/1/14 12:16 pm

My husband had a hiatal hernia too noted on his endoscopy (known as gastroscopy OR endoscopy :) ) ... They said his was small, and that it is common in overweight people and often the cause of heartburn/reflux. This did not disrupt his RNY at all. 

He also had a polyp noted on his colonoscopy ... Biopsy came back negative, so no issues there either. The whole WLS process seems to take a long time, so they don't hold up the process waiting on results. He got his result long before his surgery date came. 

Wesley T.
on 8/1/14 1:02 pm - Canada

Your husband was in the same situation as me, I didn't have colon polyps though. I had a colonoscopy, not my choice, and it showed up nothing. Polyps both stomach or colon is good to get them viewed and then cut off. So either way I am happy! How is your husband doing after the surgery RNY-Wife? 



on 8/2/14 2:35 pm

He really didn't want the colonoscopy either (lol) but has a family history of colon cancer, so they wanted to be sure everything was clear before surgery. 

He's doing really good, thank you for asking :) Still a little low energy I think ... Trying to remember portions and such ... He's lost about 40lbs now tho, b/w optifast and post-op. He's happy :) 

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