1 year anniversary!

on 8/2/14 1:03 am - Canada
Good morning from Florida! Yes it's hot an sunny here and beautiful weather all around. I am so excited to announce today is my 1 year surgerversay! I was under the knife at this time a year ago and I can't say that I would ever change a thing.

I am down to about 206lbs (surprisingly vacation made me lose some extra pounds lol!) I started Opti weighing 346lbs. By surgery day I was 330lbs... for a grand total loss of 140lbs!! I am really happy with that number but have such a hard time wrapping my head around it. For me right now, eating is the easy part, but the mental part I struggle with everyday.

I love how I look (yes I have lots of saggy bits) and how I look in new clothes and that I just bought my first sweater from the GAP, something I've always dreamed of doing. I can shop in 'regular' size clothes and realized that I can't shop at Lane Bryant anymore because their smallest size is too big.

I love crossing my legs when I sit, and when flying over to Florida, I sat in a regular seat with having to pull my seat belt tight as opposed to loosening it all the way. I could put the seat tray down all the way without it hitting my stomach and infact there was extra room between my stomach and table tray. I actually took a picture of this because I was so happy a big smile came across my face

I went to Busch Gardens the other day and was giddy like a little kid being able to go on the rides (especially the tree top swing one) and not having to worry about their weight restrictions!

I love the energy I get in spurts that makes me want to run every now and again. I actually did some walking/jogging on the treadmill to see how that went instead of doing the normal elliptical. I still have my tired days but they are a lot fewer that at first. My memory is improving and so has my concentration but I get easily distracted still but not as much as when I first went back to work after surgery.

I can see the veins in my hands and arms and they actually pop out. I have collar bones that stick out and show!!! This amazes me every time I see myself in the mirror.

There are still more positive than negative that this life change has brought me. Like I mention I still struggle with my feelings when I eat but I am conscious of them and try to manage them as best I can. Watching people eat large portions of bad foods gives me anxiety and disgust at the food (this is a new feeling). I don't dump so if I can't resist eating a bite of food I feel guilt and failure for taking a bite but again, something I'm aware of but am managing.

I had always been a large girl from about 1 year old, so being in this body now is something so new to me that I can't fully comprehend it. Looking at old pics of me shocks me and I can't imagine that used to be me and how my view of me has changed.

I have amazing support from friends and family. Not all my friends know about the surgery but they are supportive of my weight loss process and how far I've come. Those few who have a hard time with it I no longer talk to.

My co-workers and clients pull me aside when we are alone to say that there's "just something different about me". They go on to say that I walk with confidence and just glow genuine happiness. Not that I wasn't happy before but they can tell I walk lighter, happier and confidently consistently.

The best advice I can give is that you need to do this for you, not for anyone else. It's important to understand yourself, the process and commit to yourself what this change will bring. Not keeping up with the process is only going to harm yourself, not others. Don't be such in a rush to hurry the process along, it all happens when it needs to - just go with it and everything will fall into place. I had my anxieties too a lot along the way and I still do. Sit with yourself and listen to what your body says, try to understand it or be aware of yourself. You can't blame others for putting certain foods in your mouth, because we need to take ownership of our behaviours. That is the toughest thing to overcome and realize.

Also, listen to your bariatric team's advice and guidance. This forum is great for feedback, but ultimately listen to what instruction they give you until you are confident to carry on by yourself. No one has the same journey or experience as the other person, so make your journey individual and personal. You can't compare your progress with other people because we all lose differently and we can all eat differently as well.

That is only advice I gave to myself along the way. I didn't ask much of others but read quite a bit of what is posted here. It is a great community of support - and you will need support through this process. With support comes honesty and hearing things you don't want to hear but it is all part of the life change.

I hope that those going through this journey can share the same positive experience I have had. I am extremely grateful and lucky to not have had any complications along the way and I hope the same for you.

Cheers to many more celebrations!

Highest Weight Pre-Op: 346lbs;. Surgery Weight: 330lbs; Current Weight: 204lbs
Surgery: Aug 2, 2013

Karen M.
on 8/2/14 1:23 am - Mississauga, Canada

A very Happy 1st Year Surgiversary to you! You have done exceptionally well! Wishing you continued success and good health.




Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 8/2/14 2:00 am - Welland, Canada

I am so very happy for you. Many more happy days ahead.


(deactivated member)
on 8/2/14 2:05 am - Canada
RNY on 04/16/14

Congrats on your 1 yr millestone and your success.  Have a nice vacation.

Jennifer A.
on 8/2/14 2:14 am - Canada

Congratulations!  Very inspiring.

on 8/2/14 10:28 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Congratulalations on 1 yr. You have done fantastic. I wish you continued success





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