Emergency Surgery -- Internal Hernia (my experience)

Karen M.
on 7/31/14 5:54 am - Mississauga, Canada

Oh my gosh, I'm so glad to hear you're okay! What a shock - you were doing so well after your initial surgery, so very glad you took action and so did the hospital.

Very best wishes and speedy recovery!

K. xo



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 7/31/14 1:12 pm - Ottawa, Canada

Thanks Karen!









on 7/31/14 7:12 am - Kingston, Canada

Thank you for the detailed explanation of what happened to you.  I had VSG last friday with Dr. Mamazza and in recovery they kept saying, that there were problems with beds and both of us done that day waited until late the next day to get rooms.  I wasn't too bothered and figured someone needed the room more than me, quite likely it was you.  I was being well taken care of in recovery/trauma.  Your story teaches many things as you mentioned, but another one is to realize that these Dr.'s are always learning and improving, and the WLS Dr.'s (in Ottawa at least) are always there to help and follow up.

on 7/31/14 7:47 am

Wow....so glad you are now on the road to recovery........scary stuff........I worry about things like this when I travel to foreign lands......however I also know I cant live my life in fear of "what if"

Hope all continues well for you






on 7/31/14 1:16 pm - Ottawa, Canada

Yup.  Think this has convinced me to get a medic alert bracelet. And no, can't live in fear. And I certainly don't intend to let my RNY surgery limit me. Though I have to say I'm happy that I currently live in the city where they perform the surgery...I know not all are so lucky. Then again, medical professionals can much more easily confer with each other, even from across the world!










Brenda T.
on 7/31/14 8:01 am - Oshawa, Canada
RNY on 05/14/12

Thank you for sharing. And so happy you are well enough to.


Brenda             Visit my profile for timelines                         My  is Monica M.

on 7/31/14 1:17 pm - Ottawa, Canada

Thanks!  Me too!









on 7/31/14 1:44 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 05/20/14

Thank you for sharing your story.  I am glad they were able to get things figured out in time and that you are now on the mend.  You seem to have an amazing attitude about it all.

I hope you feel better soon.  :)

And congrats on your weightloss success....very inspiring!

Take care of yourself,



  • Referral:  Feb 2013/ Guelph  
  • RNY May 20th 2014 (Dr. Bhojani)                                                                         
  • 2nd RNY (revision due to marginal ulcers) Aug. 10th 2015 ( Dr. Bhojani)  
  • Revision to VSG (marginal ulcers): March 22nd 2016 (Hamilton, Dr. Hong)
  • Total Gastrectomy:  Dec. 15th 2016 (Hamilton, Dr. Hong)



on 7/31/14 4:25 pm - Kitchener, Canada
RNY on 10/24/13

OMG!! Thanks for sharing and wish you a speedy recovery.

on 8/1/14 2:20 am - Canada
RNY on 07/17/13

I had something very similar happen to me in February. I knew something wasn't right(for some time and the surgeon was looking in to it..but not in an emergency type fashion).. it became clear VERY quickly how wrong it was. I called the surgeon and he had me rush down to HRRH(2+ hours from here). The x-ray also showed an inflamed bowel but they were not sure exactly what it was. The next morning I was under the knife and sure enough a small internal hernia had caught a loop of bowel and was strangling it. I was also lucky that they did not have a resection either. Oddly enough when I woke up all of my crazy symptoms had resolved. I'm not going to lie..the hernia repair hurt a lot more then the RNY..but I am thankful that it was caught and repaired in time! 

Best wishes and a speedy recovery!


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