Current HRRH timelines?

on 7/29/14 1:16 pm - Canada
Is there anyone recently or within the past year that would be interested in sharing their timeline with me? I did a search on it and most of the ones that came up were from 2012. I am thinking that it is at least a year away...that's if I ever find out if they got my referral. I cant understand why the registry makes it so hard for our busy Drs. to get the much needed form. My NP tried for hours to get somewhere with the referral on line but not successful. I guess if we don't hear something in a couple of weeks I will have to get them the registry phone number. Its crazy that I have had to provide my GP with the needed website, fax number and phone numbers. I think there a number of Drs just completely unaware of this process. Website is not quick or user friendly. I am learning to advocate for myself right from the get go.
on 7/29/14 9:36 pm - Canada
RNY on 12/16/14

Hey there , 

I am going through HRRH , my referral was sent in Sept 13' , I got a referral recieved notice in Oct 13'. My invitation for Orientation came in late Jan 14' and I attended said Orientation in late March . My first appointment was to meet my surgeon (Dr Klein ) near the end of May ,next was an appointment with the Internist early June and then I met with Social worker / RN and Dietician early July ( all on same day ) ...I am having a follow up telephone interview this Friday with the Dietician and then hopefully I get the go ahead to call Dr Klien's office and make my final appointment with him and then arrange a date for surgery . 

I will tell you though that I have heard that they are currently booking surgeries for early next year , so by the time I get my date it may be Feb or so . I had a look back over the last year or so also and most out of HRRH seemed to reach completion within 1 year from date of referral , so maybe the volume of referrals has risen this past year ?? Not sure , but it will come :) Im waiting patiently  lol !! 

Hope you get some info soon , that must be infuriating having to basically do it yourself !! Maybe you should just call the registry now and make sure your referral has been recieved ? Due to all the confusion how can you be sure ? If it hasn't and you wait it out then its just more time wasted . Keep us posted on how you get on , and good luck :)) 

Jax x


on 7/29/14 10:44 pm - Oshawa, Canada

Hi Dr done my referral in early Oct 13 , then my family let me know that he heard back from them the end of Oct...someone on here give me a number to call just to ask if they had received it .when I called they set up my appointment for orientation for the next week..That was Nov...after that I waited for a call back...I called them in Feb and got a really nice lady who informed me I was overlooked....she then set up my surgeon appointment..after seeing the surgeon  I put my name on list for cancellation got a call the next day to be there the very next day for SW RN and RD...that was February. And I waited to see Dr. Glazer for sometime in March.. Now I am drinkin otipfast ,my surgery next week August 7 .. I know some wait for it all but me calling alway turned out well not every time I got answers and I didn't bother them a lot . But I am glad I called.. I got a couple of other friends that went thur a little quicker than I did..  Good luck on your journey.


Referral - October 3-2013 /  Family Dr. Confirmed - October  31-2013 /  Orientation call - November 11-2013 / Orientation (HRRH) -November 25-2013 / 1st  Surgeon Appt (Dr Huynh) - January 14-2014 /  SW/RN/RD - January 17-2014 / Dr Glazer March 25-2014/ 2nd Surgeon Appt (Dr Huynh)- April 10-2014 / Surgery date - August 7-2014

on 7/30/14 12:33 am
RNY on 08/08/14

I started out in June 2013 with my referral being sent out but I was through St Joes in Hamilton and I transferred from St Joes to HRRH in February of this year and had my orientation two weeks later then I had my first set of appointments which was with the surgeon at the end of March and then the first week of April I met with the nurse, dietician and social worker was approved and then waited another two weeks to see the internist so by the end of April I was 100% approved and I received my surgery date on May 28th for August 8th. However this does seem very fast I requested to be put on the cancellation list and I called in a few days later and they had cancellations. I think sometimes they get very busy and don't have time to call people for cancellations so I would suggest calling and checking for cancellations.

on 7/30/14 9:36 pm - Canada
RNY on 12/16/14

Hey Dee , 

Can I just ask .....when you say you called on May 28th and got your surgery date for Aug , was that a cancellation date you were given ? The reason im asking is , I'd like to call for cancellations or be put on the list also , but I am a bit concerned of how fast it will be with regards to work ! If that makes any sense? Lol ......I mean Im not sure how my Supervisor will be if I just say "hey by the way my surgery is gonna be tomorrow now so ill see u in six weeks " lol ......but if it was like a month or so i guess that would be more acceptable . They are aware that im in the process and I guess I know I should be thinking of number one here and not about work , but im sure you know how that goes ! We always end up worrying about everyone else first ! Im starting to feel a little anxious and impatient now and would just love for it to be soon , kinda starting to feel like im living in limbo land !! So I do want to ask for those cancellations . Any info much appreciated :)) 

Jax x


on 7/31/14 5:21 am
RNY on 08/08/14

May 28th the surgeons office called and gave me my original surgery date they will not put you on a cancelation list for the actual surgery until you have your date already. I got all my other appointments like the social worker, dietician, and RN fast because I asked for the cancellation list. My original dates for the sw, dietician and RN were June and I had them bumped to April which allowed me to see Dr Glazer in April too.

on 7/31/14 10:49 am - Canada
RNY on 12/16/14

Oh ok , thanks for that .Everything up to this point has went at a great pace for me , but I really hope it's not too far out , cos I'm ready now !! :) 

Jax  x 


on 7/30/14 1:58 am - Oshawa, Canada

I have been referred May 29 and haven't heard a thing yet either.....I did find this link just now that is the 'guide for physicians referring patients'


I am calling the clinic today to see if they have received my referral......its been 2months

Chrissy  ~~~  doctor referral May 29/14; info session Aug 18/14surgeon appt Dr. Starr  Oct 15/14dietitian, social worker & nurse Dec 11/142nd appts dietitian, SW & nurse Jan 19/15;  Dr. Glazer Feb 25/15; 2 weeks OPTIFAST April 15/15; surgery date April 29/15    AGE: 48   HEIGHT: 5'6"  


on 7/30/14 2:33 am - barrie, Canada

my referal went in sept got lost, i had surgury june 4th 2014.  i called to get an orientation date after my doctor recd confirmation and got my orientation about a week and a half later.  my timeline should be on my post



Referral - Sept 23rd, Resent Referral - Oct 29th - Orientation Nov 18/13, Dr Hyuhn Nov 26  -  SW/RN/RD - DEC 20TH - DR GLAZER FEB 25/13 Surgery Date: June 3, 2014

HW:252 OPTI W:224  SW 212 CW:205.5

on 7/30/14 5:03 am

My husbands referral went in Apr 2013 ... Orientation June 2013 ... He had a bunch of NP/SW/RD appointments and tests (sleep study, endo/colonoscopy) ... Met the surgeon Apr (?) 2014 ... Surgery July 22 2014 ... The original date they were booking for was Oct tho, but he got a cancellation. They definitely seem to be past the 'one year from referral to OR', unfortunately. 

We were told in orientation that the amount of testing/referrals you need will determine how fast you go through the whole process, but there's only so many OR slots ... 

We're also not from Toronto, so we didn't start at HRRH ... We're from a 'feeder site'. Not sure if this affects anything. 

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