Day 5 of opti - gurgling stomach

on 7/29/14 9:33 am

I have noticed a lot of noise - gurgling and churning in my stomach all day long.  I am getting in my shakes and following my opti plan completely. But my stomach seems really really angry.  I take Metamucil with the shakes so no issues with opti clog or trots yet.  Is there anything I can do to stop this?  It is annoying to always be rumbling like thunder in my tummy.  I have been angry and irritable at work too, and super exhausted too.  Ottawa does not allow any vegetables so there is nothing to actually chew on and that is hard.  Any ideas as to what I could try?

Highest: 320, Surgery: 255 (Aug/14), Lowest: 132, Current: 167, Goal: 155

Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards. - Soren Kierkegaard

on 7/29/14 9:54 am
RNY on 08/08/14

I feel your pain I am allowed vegetables at my centre but they don't seem to help me although I do love vegetables normally. I have been very grumpy myself and have been suffering from a migraine even before I started Opti and I'm sure the Opti isn't helping but the Opti has been making me throw up it does not sit well in my stomach I thought it would have passed by now but still nothing. 

Are you allowed sugar free jello? That seems to help me a bit and I find if I make the Opti thicker more like a thick milkshake it makes me feel fuller.

hope it gets better for you.

on 7/29/14 10:13 am

I have not thrown up since my first shake, they are staying down ok.  I am going to up my Metamucil caplets a little and see if that helps.  Yes I am having sf jello every day along with broth and sf popsicles.

Karen M.
on 7/29/14 10:38 am - Mississauga, Canada

If you're not having a problem with "bathroom stuff" on Opti, why increase the Metamucil? I don't think that would help with gurgling - ?



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on 7/29/14 10:53 am

I don't know what else to do, I do not have many options right now.

Karen M.
on 7/29/14 10:59 am - Mississauga, Canada

My guts gurgle extremely loudly all the time - never thought to take something for it. lol



Ontario Recipes Forum -

on 7/29/14 11:16 am

Mine is usually pretty quiet but now it sounds like there is an angry goblin in there or something.  And the churning is actually a little painful.  Could it be gas? 

Karen M.
on 7/29/14 11:19 am - Mississauga, Canada

A great big yes to the gas! It certainly could be that. I am sincerely hoping for your sake that it is NOT a warning of "things to come" (opti-trots)!



Ontario Recipes Forum -

on 7/29/14 11:27 am

I hope not - I am taking Metamucil with my shakes my centre recommended as a preventative.  What is good to take for gas?  Gas X?  I have never taken anything for it.

Karen M.
on 7/29/14 11:29 am - Mississauga, Canada

I have had success with GasX but I'm not sure what you're allowed to take when on Optifast?



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