Definately TMI - I now know what the term OPTI-TROT means :(

on 7/23/14 12:19 pm - North York, Canada

So, day 3.... Going good, feeling better until mid afternoon when the pain started.... Let me start by saying that I am very much against going number 2 in public... I will hold it all day, it's just my weird thing. So, I am at work, at my desk when the tummy pain starts and the cold sweats. After much consideration, I realized I would not be able to avoid my strict rule and I would have to use the washroom at work. I go in, thank God no one else is in there and start to use the washroom. A few courtesy flushes later I hear the cleaning lady come in and she stands right in front of my stall!!!! I wait a few seconds and pray she leaves... And she doesn't!! Finally I finish up and try to exit, she is blocking my door!! She tell me she needs in the stall to replace the toilet seat covers!! I don't want her in there after what just occurred but she will not let me do it for her. I ended up apologizing about a million times and telling her that I had a bad stomach but needless to say, I now know what the opti-trots are :(

on 7/23/14 9:48 pm - Kitchener, Canada
RNY on 05/22/14

I for one, laughed so hard at this post!! Because I totally understand everything you went through! I also don't do the "public poop" but lucky for me, we have a handicapped bathroom that's secluded and it's a separate bathroom to it self - not in with the other stalls. I've had the opti-trots's awful!!!!!!!! I remember going to the handicapped bathroom and it was locked...but I didn't want people to know I was going to the bathroom since i'd be longer than a #1 would be. So I brought a notebook and pen with me, except someone from my team followed me since they were going to the bathroom too! so then I pretended I was going into the meeting room for whatever...and when my coworker went into the bathroom, I dashed to the handicapped bathroom...still locked. By this time my stomach and bowels are ready to just give up. Anyway....eventually I made it into the bathroom where someone clearly had the same idea as me, no time to air out the bathroom, I went in breathing into my top and completed my mission.  I know everyone has to #2 and it's nothing to be ashamed of...I just am!

on 7/23/14 11:02 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

I must be getting old. I found these two account funny. I also had the trots but just went in and did it as quick as possible. For me there would have been no waiting for the best moment. It was immediate. I hope you make it through the rest of your opti okay. Perhaps this will cure you of the shy bowels





on 7/23/14 11:13 pm - Toronto, Canada

LOL. Oh it sucks and hit me on Day 3 as well. Nothing like losing 5 pounds in three days! Hopefully your body gets used to it. Good luck!

Surgery March 23/2011. Completed three full marathons and two half marathons, two half Ironman distances. Completed my first Full Ironman distance (4 km swim, 180 km bike, 42.2 km (full marathon) run) in Muskoka August 30/2015. Next Ironman Lake Placid July 23/2017!

Wesley T.
on 7/24/14 5:33 am - Canada

It's even awkward walking INTO a bathroom, knowing someone is using a stall. Reminds me back to that story in February at the Sochi Olympics, where the Russian washrooms had two toilets without dividers in the PUBLIC washrooms!! 



on 7/24/14 8:51 am - North York, Canada

I am so glad you guys understand what I was saying!! I was starting to get worried with so many views and no comments!! I thought oh no!! Too much sharing!! Hahahaha

Karen M.
on 7/24/14 9:11 am - Mississauga, Canada

There is NEVER (ok, sometimes not gonna lie, but this wasn't it) too much sharing. ;)



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