Ulcer symptoms???

on 7/22/14 7:19 am

Hello everyone

Can someone who has had an ulcer after gastric bypass please tell me your symptoms?

i am just over three months post op

for the past several days I have a pain across my stomach under my rib cage. Some times is wraps around to my back.  I feel bloated and am burping a lot as well as I feel nauseated. My stomach muscles feel bruised. Today I felt very ill after eating my lunch 

I am concerned because even though they are approve my back medication is hard on my stomach


i am happy to say I have had my gallbladder out years ago so at least I know it's not that :)

Thanks for your help





   Ref sent March 27th. Orientation June 27th 2013. Nurse Consult Aug 19. Social-worker and nutrition class Sept 3  SLEEP study Sept 3rd  Doctor Consult Sept 27th...canceled, now Nov 11. Social worker (2ndappt) Oct24   Dietitian Oct 24  Physio appt Dec 13  and final windsorappt post op class Dec 19 Surgery April 8th


on 7/22/14 7:48 am - Kitchener, Canada
RNY on 10/24/13

I had an ulcer 3 weeks after bypass. My symptoms were, pain in my pouch after eating or drinking ANYTHING. Thin liquids were worse than thick ones. Was also nauseas. Might want to put a  call in to your Dr as symptoms can vary in people. Could be an ulcer or something else.

on 7/22/14 8:07 am - Canada

Sounds more like gallblader.  Do you still have one?

on 7/22/14 12:26 pm
RNY on 03/20/14

Your symptoms could also be caused by Pancreatitis. I would give your doctor a call and have things checked out to be on the safe side. Best of luck.

Mary A.
on 7/30/14 2:23 am

your best bet is to go to your doctor and arrange for a scope, that way they can find out for sure..my gastric ulcer didn't rear it's head until 4 years after RNY..at the time I had several personal issues in my life that caused an intense amount of stress...I am now on two types of medication.....and the pain isn't constant but when it kicks in it feels like a sharp stabbing page on my left side


Medicaiton depending on the type can be hard on internal organs..I now have to stay away from coffee, tomato sauce and anything spicy.  For some stupid reason a couple of months ago I thought I would have a cup of tomato soup...NO WRONG...it actually didn't even cause that much pain...but it didn't stay down..much like dumping for new post-ops, poor choice without thinking.


BTW not to freak you out, but that is approximately where my gastric ulcer is (same location) as you have indicated.




prior to surgery 323lbs....4 years post-op maintaining between 108- 114 lb loss. 

life is AMAZING when you continue on the right path~!.  Use your surgeons gift to the fullest~!

surgery done in Duluth, MN

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