Anyone else going to Orientation on August 7th in Guelph?

on 7/22/14 1:45 am - Durham, Canada

Hi there,

Well, I finally have an orientation date after appealing the initial decline.  I will be in Guelph on August 7th at 3:30 p.m.  Anyone else going to be there?

Kath L
on 7/22/14 5:12 am

I'm not that familiar with this site ... I find it interesting that you say you have an orientation date after appealing the initial decline.  


I have the initial orientation in Hamilton on October 20, 2014.  What did you have to appeal?  Is it possible I can be declined before this all starts?  My doctor made the referral and I have received the first letter.


My email is kathysawyer1967@h o tmail. com 




on 7/22/14 6:00 am - Durham, Canada

My BMI is borderline....39.5 (38) when I first submitted.  I do not have diabetes, heart issues or high blood pressure.  So, they just declined without even getting to orientation.  I do have other co-morbids that I feel should be considered.....Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (hypermobility- joints hyperextend and dislocate), Fibromyalgia, Degenerative Disk disease, asthma (mild), Arthritis etc.  Based on suggestions from others on Facebook, I asked for my file to be transferred from Guelph to Humber (not that I had an issue with Guelph really)  When I submitted my letter requesting the transfer, they decided to invite me in for orientation in Guelph.  I am very happy for that as I have heard great things about Guelph and everyone was really understanding.  My guess is that they are so busy, that they were weeding out borderline and that my referral probably didn't outline my issue appropriately.



(deactivated member)
on 7/22/14 3:31 pm

Its great you are invited to the orientation, but it is just an information session only. It does not mean that you will be accepted. Guelph is a great clinic for sure, but if you dont meet the qualifications for surgery they can and will turn you down. You may think that your other ailments should be considered as co-morbids but they may not. You have to have many blood tests done, upper gi study, ultra sounds and meet with a nurse, dietitian, and social worker, have a sleep study done, ect... you may need to meet with the nurse , dietitian and social worker up to 3 times, attend a few classes, and when you are through all this which can take anywhere from 8 months to a year or more to meet the surgeon, only when you meet the surgeon will you know if you have been accepted for surgery. They have the final word.


on 7/23/14 12:29 am - Durham, Canada

Thank you for your reply.  It is very much appreciated.  I hope the other replier sees your comments, so they know the process.  I fully understand the process and understand they can turn me away at anytime.  To be denied prior to meeting me or reading and understanding my health issues was the only problem I had.  I totally believe my initial referral did not outline the health issues in full or appropriately.  Thus, the need for my letter.   I know I will have to have other doctors involved in speaking with the nurse/surgeon etc., because I am dealing with a rare illness.  If in the end, they will not perform the procedure on me, then I will have to live with that.  I just know it is worth trying.

on 8/9/14 12:50 am - Durham, Canada

Okay, so I was so worried because of a borderline BMI.....I cannot believe, but my BMI really is over 40.  All along, I've been using my old scale at home thinking it was accurate.  Well, it's approx. 8 pounds off.  I weigh more than what I had thought.  My doctor would just ask my weight instead of weighing me there.  Also, because my scale was off, I decided to measure my height since I was using my height I've been all of my adult life.  I have shrunk!!!  I knew that could happen, but I assumed it would be a little later in life and not the mid-forties :(    I am pretty upset with myself for the weight I's time to take control of my life!!!!

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