Moderate Sleep Apnea

on 7/22/14 2:50 am, edited 7/22/14 2:50 am - Canada

I was diagnosed with sleep apnea back in 2003, and never actually did anything about it.  This was found out when I went down to Sudbury to do my pre-op meetings.  They told me I needed to get on the machine to qualify for the surgery, and I did.  Surprisingly, I didn't have much difficulty adapting to the machine, and I noticed it made a major difference.  I know this is going to sound, err read, stupid, but the big thing I noticed is that I didn't have to get up and go to the washroom during the middle of the night anymore.  I was drinking the same amount of liquid, its just that my liver was going into hibernation now while sleeping, something it wasn't doing before.

Anyways, it's worth it (make sure you get the heated hose and the humidifier), and my sleep study doctor told me he figured I'd be off the machine when I dropped below 300 lbs.  Quite honestly, I don't know how I'm going to get used to it when I'm done with the machine.


Dave other thing I heard as well- when I was in Sudbury, I was told there that if you do have sleep apnea, there are some hospitals that will not do the surgery unless you demonstrate that you've actually used the machine (there's a chip in them where they can see how often the machine is used).


Started Optifast April 8, 2014, and had surgery May 6, 2014 @ St. Joe's, Toronto, Dr. Lindsay

on 7/22/14 6:54 am - Canada
RNY on 12/16/14

Thanks Dave ,

That makes sense about the washroom thing ! I do go a lot during the night at least twice mostly three times a night ....I dont sleep well at all ...I kind of actually hate night time in my house !!! I tell my hubby and son our house is like a different world during the night and im the only one who sees it ! Between me up and down going to the washroom , or waking up random amounts of time for a sore back or nightmares or ( most often) awakening clinging to the edge of the matress cos our six year old has wandered in and climbed in between us , him and hubby take up the whole bed !!!!!! It's miserable :(

Hopefully ill be oblivious soon enough ! Lol 

At Humber , the Internist just said to bring the Cpap machine with me for surgery if I had it . So I think im ok there . 

Thanks again x 

Jax x

on 7/22/14 6:57 am
DS on 11/11/14

I'll be the dissenting voice. I had moderate apnea but couldn't tolerate the machine. I tried at least 20 masks, sleeping pills, and pressures but I never slept worse than when I had that infernal machine. I even tried using it during the day to get used to it but to avail. After 6 months of 3 hrs of sleep a night I gave up on it. 

I lost a bunch of weight and retested - it went away. Then I regained the weight (ugh) and I'm sure I have it again. My surgeon has said he knows many people don't tolerate it, so he isn't going to make me get back on it before surgery. Thank goodness !!

on 7/22/14 8:02 am
RNY on 01/10/14

I was diagnosed with severe sleep apnea over 8 years ago. It was hard at first getting used to the mask, but well worth it. I no longer get up in the middle of the night to pee (my sleep doctor said it was another mechanism for your brain to get you up if you are having many episodes). I no longer wake up with a headache. My heart rate and blood pressure were starting to creep up and I was retaining fluid in my ankles - all normal now. I have so much more energy. In response to your husband not happy with you having the machine, it is not loud, and much like a white noise machine. My husband says he enjoys the sound. 

I agree you need to keep finding a mask that work for you. I have been through several, they are not one size fits all.

I can't imagine sleeping with out my CPAP. Once I found out I stopped breathing 40 times an hour, I was petrified to sleep without it. I have heard stories of doctor's insisting on compliance before they will do surgery and yes, most CPAPS do come with a chip which will tell them how many hours you use it per night. 

My sleep doctor will do another sleep study when I am at goal weight. I don't know if I want to come off the machine (that sounds crazy, right?) I have come to like my machine and may have trouble transitioning to sleeping with out it. Also, not all sleep apnea is caused by being overweight. Mine is a combo of the weight and a narrow throat and tonsils.  

Feel free to ask any questions and good luck!



on 7/22/14 12:05 pm - Canada

I have SA and was diagnosed "moderate" but 1 point from being placed in the severe category back in March.  When I was given the CPAP, I opted for the small mask that goes over my nose.  I was so tired that the mask didn't bother body craved sleep so bad.  The machine is husband doesn't hear it and it calculates how many hours I sleep at night.  I am thankful that I have it because I am much more rested with energy to manage my kids alllll day.  I am still waiting for my first round of appointments at HRRH so I'm hoping that I can be freed of the CPAP after loosing the extra weight.  Lets face it...I love the machine be having to use it every night is not at all ideal.  

Good Luck and happy sleeping!! 

Referral sent: April 17th 2014.  HRRH gave me my Orientation date:  June 19th 2014. Orientation: July 10th 2014. Received my first surgeon's appointment: August 25th 2014.  Surgeon's appointment scheduled: September 12th 2014. Dietitian and Social Worker and Dr. Glazer: October 6th 2014.  Nurse: October 7th 2014. Surgeon appointment October 22, 2014.  Surgery scheduled: December 19, 2014

Amy K.
on 7/23/14 2:07 am - Tucson, AZ

I was diagnosed with Moderate Sleep Apnea in January and got my CPAP machine in February.  Its been AMAZING!  I actually wake refreshed, headaches are gone, BP is way down and I'm not wishing for a nap around 10 a.m.  Also, I only need about 6 hours of sleep now.  I had RNY 3 weeks ago today and have not attempted sleeping without my CPAP, but hoping that eventually the apnea will resolve itself with the weight loss.  I wear the full face mask since I'm a mouth breather. 

High Weight: 264, BMI 46.8, Surgery Date: July 1, 2014, weight 227, BMI 40.2


on 7/23/14 10:29 pm - Kitchener, Canada

Hi Jaxie,


I am in the process of waiting for WLS as well...I had the sleep study done in May and was diagnosed mild to moderate. I got the fancy machine that is also a clock lol and I have the mask that goes over the nose....I used it faithfully for about a month ...BUT is caused pressure sores or the side of my face where the mask sat....SO I am in the process of trying to get another mask, maybe a nose prong one....I do thing it helped me feel better but I wasn't going to walk around with a big red zit on my face!  I am hoping that once I lose some significant weight I wont need it...although the sleep doctor pointed out..."that even slender people have SA." who knows!!

Good luck and do you find the waiting LONG like you are in LIMBO....I go back for my second visits with the Nurse, nutritionist and SW on August 27th in Guelph.



Referral to Guelph:  January 2014 ~ Orientation Guelph: April 24.14~ Meet Nurse: June 03.14, August 28.14 ~ Meet SW: June 16.14 & Aug.28.14 & Feb.09.15   ~ Meet Dietician: June 16.14, August 28.14 & Nov.19.14~  Dec.31.14 & Feb.05.15 Meet Internist Dr Agarwal: Sept.28.14 ~ Post Op Nutrition class: March 16.2015  Meet Surgeon: April 16.15 ~ Approved for surgery: April 16.15 ~  Surgery Date: July 14.15 ~ Started Opti:  July 07.14~ Opti Starting weight: TBD~ Surgery weight: TBD ~ Goal weight: 150  


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