Moderate Sleep Apnea

on 7/21/14 9:55 pm - Canada
RNY on 12/16/14

Hey all , 

Hope everyone is having a great morning so far :) 

So I got the results back from my sleep study that I had done and it's been determined that I have moderate sleep apnea . I kind of knew that I did really so its no big surprise . I have been feeling really rough in the mornings for quite some time now . So I'm actually relieved that ( hopefully ) I may get some relief from the 'hangover' feeling , pounding head and general grogginess that ive been suffering :(  I can't remember the last time I woke up and felt refreshed !!! Most mornings im bouncing off the walls all the way to the bathroom only to look in the mirror and see Mick Jagger after a heavy night on the booze !!!! Lol ....add that to quitting coffee before surgery's not been pretty !! Anyway , im wondering if anyone can give me some good news stories of how the Cpap machine turned all this around , or whatever device or treatment you were advised to use . And also if it was cured after surgery ???? 

Any info much appreciated :) 

Jax x

Karen M.
on 7/21/14 10:15 pm - Mississauga, Canada

I had the same diagnosis and was prescribed a CPAP machine a couple of years prior to surgery. I did indeed notice quite a difference in my energy level and quality of sleep after I had been using the machine nightly for about a month - they really do work! It took a while to get used to sleeping with the mask on (a couple of times I woke up without the mask on as I had ripped it off in my sleep apparently) but oh so worth it.

A couple of years after surgery (so long ago, I think this is right lol) I was re-tested at the sleep clinic and no longer required the machine. I was happy to be rid of it at that point but I'd wear it again in a heartbeat if I needed it.



Ontario Recipes Forum -

on 7/21/14 10:51 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

I had very severe sleep apnea. By the time I got the machine I really needed it. It made an immense difference to my energy and how I felt all day. Because I was so severe it has not resolved with surgery but it is a lot better. 





on 7/21/14 11:06 pm - Barrie, Canada
RNY on 05/21/13

I had a cardiac arrest due to high blood pressure, extreme stress and you got it, sleep apnea. Who knew untreated SA could kill? Anyway, good news is that it was treated and as others have said, its not easy to get used to using the masks, but it will improve your life, in many ways, not to mention, may save your life as well.

I had my surgery a year ago May and since then, my levels have been dropped to as low as the machine allows. I go for my sleep study soon to confirm I can pack the cpap away for good. But honestly, if I have to continue, I am good with that as well.

Good luck on your journey, its an amazing ride!

Annette 👍

Starting weight: 334 lbs.Starting opti weight: 323 lbs, Surgery weight 303 lbs.Surgery-May 21st, 2013 with Dr Hagen at HRRH Goal weight 165 lbs reached at 13 months. Current weight 156 lbs


on 7/22/14 1:17 am - Canada
RNY on 12/16/14

Thank you ladies , good to know :) I am in no doubt that I need it and will persever with it no matter what.I also notice a real weariness in my joints and muscles throughout the day , like my body is just so tired and achy , I know my weight causes this but im sure the lack of oxygen througout the night and lack of sleep is a huge factor also . So im really hoping this is all helped by the Cpap . My husband is not thrilled he may have to sleep beside Darth Vader every night !!! But he is supportive and im kind of hoping he may actually get tested himself . I do think he has apnea also . He doesn't have a weight issue at all but he is a smoker and I know that can attribute . I have witness him stop breathing and unconsciously wake himself when he sleeps and he's a heavy snorer ! Maybe if he sees how much it helps he will finally go and see abou*****pical man when it comes to going to the docs ....head in the sand !!! Lol .... (no offense our lovely forum men !) 

Thanks again ladies's to a good night's sleep ! :) 

Jax x

on 7/22/14 1:31 am - Canada

I was diagnosed with severe sleep apnea and got the CPAP mask but I couldn't live like that so my dentist made me a mouth guard which helped me alot.

I sent you a private email.


on 7/22/14 6:44 am - Canada
RNY on 12/16/14

Hey :) I got it thanks ....I wrote you back but not sure if you got it ? I dunno ...something weird is going on with my messages and notifications ....there seems to be a delay or something ?  

The mouth guard that uncomfortable ? I did speak to my doctor about that but he seemed to lean more toward the machine for me and said he was more comfident that it works better . I guess everyone is different and I won't know anything until I try it . 

Let me know if you got my mail xx 

on 7/22/14 7:30 am - Canada

My mouth guard is very comfortable.  I tried various mask and just couldn't get used to being hooked up to a machine nightly.  My sleep apnea according to the technician is the worst he has seen.

Amy K.
on 7/23/14 2:11 am - Tucson, AZ

Almost totally forgot about the ashiness and muscle fatigue.  I wanted to start exercising but just couldn't get moving. I have arthritis and that was exacerbated by the apnea.  You will have a new and better life with CPAP!

High Weight: 264, BMI 46.8, Surgery Date: July 1, 2014, weight 227, BMI 40.2


on 7/22/14 1:43 am
RNY on 02/04/15

Hi jaxie77 I have sleep apnea and have a CPAP.  It took me a few months to get used to it but once I got used to it it was like second nature.  I recommend that when you get your CPAP machine to take your time and to try out all the different masks - I had quite a hard time getting the right type of mask and in the end I got a nasal mask and it's working well.  Also, check your benefits at work - OHIP covered $700 for the machine and my benefits ended up covering the rest of the cost.   They also cover 1 new mask each year.   Good luck to you!  

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