do we change after surgery
The last few days I have had many people ask me did I change after my surgery and my answer is yes and than they want to know how I changed. I thought I would share it here. You can not help but change after this surgery and losing weight. The first change I saw myself making was the clothes that I bought and I was excited to be able to buy normal sizes and fit into them. I had always wished I could buy something that I saw but knew it would never fit me and now it does and I buy. I like my clothes now. I don't mind shopping where as before I hated it.
The next big change was I started to work out in the gym. I use to swim everyday but the thought of going to a gym never. I am glad I did. I have becomes friends with some great people who support me and help me to get to my goals by pushing me running with me or just cheering me on. It makes a difference when you feel down to know they care. There is no way i would have done the things I am doing now when I was heavy. One reason is my breathing would never have allowed me. Could not walk a block without having to stop to catch my breath. Hate to see what I would have been like if I tried running. Someone would have called an ambulance for me. You need to do some kind of exercise if you want to keep this weight off. Hate to say this but you can gain this weight back it is not cure it is a tool that we must learn to work with it to keep a healthy body.
My eating habits changed and yes there are days I miss pop and chips but I do not touch them. Body does not need that kind of junk and by making these food changes I am just giving myself a heather body and nothing wrong with that.
In many ways I am a different person than when I married my husband but I need to say I am thankful that he was and still is very happy with my changes and supports me in them. The most important thing is I am still the living and kind person as I was when I was heavy. That does not change. We were told divorce rate is high with people who have had this surgery. Both my husband and I can see why. It is great as a partner to say yes I will be supportive but they must be willing to be supportive of the new you and your changes that you make to yourself. There are many nights my husband needs to eat alone because I am out there training for triathlon. When you start to enter races your time can be taken up with training believe me. I try to include him sometimes with my training and sometimes he says yes other times no but most time if i need him to watch my stuff so I can jump out of the lake onto the bike he will come and watch my things. Changes can be good but as you change you need to remember your spouse and try to include them or let them know how thankful they are for understanding.
Nothing is wrong with changes. Changes can be good but you need to be aware you will change after this surgery but it is so worth it. So for everyone that has been asking me I am still the same loving. caring person but I am now thinner and loving myself a little more than I use to. Still learning to love me and that is OK.
sorry that this is long but I hope it hope it answers some questions that I have been dealing with

Those are some wonderful changes!!! Many of which I am looking forward to. Great post and thanks for sharing!
Referral sent: April 17th 2014. HRRH gave me my Orientation date: June 19th 2014. Orientation: July 10th 2014. Received my first surgeon's appointment: August 25th 2014. Surgeon's appointment scheduled: September 12th 2014. Dietitian and Social Worker and Dr. Glazer: October 6th 2014. Nurse: October 7th 2014. Surgeon appointment October 22, 2014. Surgery scheduled: December 19, 2014

on 7/19/14 10:57 pm
Very well said
I'm Still Loving, Still Praying and Still Dreaming....
The question of whether we change after surgery has been asked many times and each time I read it, it really makes me think. Have I?? I honestly don't know. What I DO know is at the very base of things, I am the same person with respect to morals, values and beliefs. That has not changed. I would have to say that my outgoing, outspoken personality has also NOT changed.
My wisdom, my patience, my ability to deal effectively with difficulties - that HAS changed. I attribute that to life experiences, getting older and mellowing a little in my old age. There's no way of telling if it was WLS related or not. It just "is".
I congratulate you on all of your wonderful successes. XO
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