freaking out!!

on 7/18/14 12:05 pm

Hey all, so this might be TMI but its late at night and im not sure where else to turn.. For the last several hours i have been nauseous and for the last hour i have had really bad diarrhea that is a grayish white kinda yellow colour... and well im kinda freaking out. has anyone else had this? is it normal? do i need to go to the emergency room? 

Btw im 2 weeks and 2 days out from surgery.

"The First step towards getting somewhere is to decide that your not going to stay where you are" - John pierpoint morgan

Referral- April 27,2013   Orientation class- may 29, 2013   Meet the surgeon,SW,dietitian - July 20, 2013  Dr Glazier- October 4,2013  Sleep study- October 10,2013   Dr Glazier again- October 16,2013   SW,dietitian again- February 2,2014    DR Sohi- march 4,2014   Start Opti- June 11,2014  SURGERY- July 2,2014

on 7/18/14 12:48 pm - Canada

If your worried do get yourself checked out, have you eaten anything new? Could this be dumping?  Could it be from a medication change? Maybe just best to check it out just in case, feel better soon

 Respectfully Jane
on 7/18/14 2:36 pm

I'm only a few days out so take this for what it's worth. The card they give you post op in Ottawa says to go to emerge of you nausea or vomiting for more than 4 hours.  White paple stools and diarhea are often related to bile problems - I had it when I needed to have my gallbladder removed as the duct was plugged with a stone so the bile couldn't reach the intestines.  Nausea is also common with gallbladder issues and gallbladder issues are. Rey common after RNY.  I suggest going to Emerg just in case or call Telehealth.

on 7/20/14 10:14 am - Port Hope, ON, Canada
RNY on 02/11/14

How are you doing?  I hope your feeling better. 



Referral - Oct 29/13

Info Session - Nov 18/13...1st surgeon appt - Nov 26/13...RN/SW/RD - Dec - 4/13...Dr.Glazer - Jan 8/14...2nd Surgeon appt - Jan 22/14 PATTS - Jan 29/14...

SURGERY!!!! FEBRUARY 11th 2014.


on 7/21/14 2:33 am

Im feeling much better! Thanks for asking :)  Things have gone back to normal.. if you know what i mean lol I kinda think it was from eating ricotta cheese... I realized after that I didnt get the low fat, so im guessing thats what made me sick. I havnt eaten it since and have felt fine!

"The First step towards getting somewhere is to decide that your not going to stay where you are" - John pierpoint morgan

Referral- April 27,2013   Orientation class- may 29, 2013   Meet the surgeon,SW,dietitian - July 20, 2013  Dr Glazier- October 4,2013  Sleep study- October 10,2013   Dr Glazier again- October 16,2013   SW,dietitian again- February 2,2014    DR Sohi- march 4,2014   Start Opti- June 11,2014  SURGERY- July 2,2014

on 7/21/14 5:17 am - Port Hope, ON, Canada
RNY on 02/11/14

So glad it was nothing serious and your feeling better!

I've done similar and gotten home and had the wrong stuff.  Especially in a hurry.

Take care!


Referral - Oct 29/13

Info Session - Nov 18/13...1st surgeon appt - Nov 26/13...RN/SW/RD - Dec - 4/13...Dr.Glazer - Jan 8/14...2nd Surgeon appt - Jan 22/14 PATTS - Jan 29/14...

SURGERY!!!! FEBRUARY 11th 2014.


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