3 weeks of optifast...how will I survive?
I'm on day 15 of 21. I'm quite used to them now. As many before on here have said, use some extra flavouring to make them better, lots of ice and a magic bullet (which I take everywhere with me). My favourite addition is the Torini sugar free caramel which mixes well with both vanilla and chocolate. What I have done to cope is to take the time that I would normally spend shopping for dinner, making dinner, cleaning up etc and doing something completely for me. I really don't have to worry about cooking for anyone else at the moment, so it works well. I have spent some of the time going for walks (something new for me), making soup broth for after surgery, getting my hair done, going to water areobics, or shopping. Just for me and no guilt! I also spend time reading all the literature I have re me new life and diet - get excited!
It gets easier, and believe it or not, you will miss it.
Plan your "meals". I divided the day up to spread them out evenly. Use really cold water to mix the shakes (blend in ice if you can). Some use more/less water. You can make it into a pudding to feel like you are eating. You can use SF syrups or baking extracts to change the flavor. What does the centre allow you for extras (they are all different). Use them. Drink lots of water in between. Do something to keep your mind of things. (i.e. go for a walk, start a hobby, etc).
You'll do fine!
Hi there,
I have to say that of all the things the health team talks about or doesn't talk to you about, the pre-surgery diet and the difficulty with respect to the same is truly understated! It was the hardest thing I had to do during the entire process. The shakes made me gag and I couldn't imagine 3 weeks of them but somehow, I got through it. Stay focussed on the end result. The last thing you want to have happen is to get turned around or have your surgery cancelled because of the risk to your liver and other internal organs that have to shrink to get this done. If you can get through that, the rest is easy lol! Make sure to drink lots of water to avoid constipation, a little mio to flavor H20 will go a long way. Magic bullet is a godsend! You can do this, I lost 40 lbs pre-surgery while on that regime...there are difinitely perks! Good luck!
My centre is guelph, my extra is 1 cup of clear brooth. At the nutrituion class the dietition said we could use the sugar free syrups but when I actually purchased the optifast this lady went over the opti diet and said I could not use them and could only use orange, almond and pepperment extracts...which don't appeal to me. Thank you for all your replies.
I went through Guelph, and was on 3 weeks of opti as well. I was told I could use decaf coffee (which tasted great in both vanilla and chocolate), and extracts..I used coconut. You are also allowed to use crystal light type flavourings..but by the end of the 3 weeks I was basically drinking them plain. I tried the caramel torani syrup but found it too sweet. I would also keep one shake aside as a night snack and would use less water and make it like a pudding. It does get easier, especially after the first week.
Lots of ice helps too, especially in this summer weather.
You got this, you are almost there!

- Referral: Feb 2013/ Guelph
- RNY May 20th 2014 (Dr. Bhojani)
- 2nd RNY (revision due to marginal ulcers) Aug. 10th 2015 ( Dr. Bhojani)
- Revision to VSG (marginal ulcers): March 22nd 2016 (Hamilton, Dr. Hong)
- Total Gastrectomy: Dec. 15th 2016 (Hamilton, Dr. Hong)
I had a hellish time with the Optifast (or Opticrap as I fondly refer to it). The 2 best pieces of advice I got were:
1) Make it cold.
2) Buy one of those containers with a built-in straw so that the top is completely covered. Not having the SMELL makes it much easier to get down.
Just remember it will end and it will be worth it. Play with different drink flavours until you find 1 or 2 that help make it palatable.
Good luck!!
I start my 3 weeks on Monday. I bought cups at Costco - Contigo with straws and lids, to make the Opti in. Can be used as a shaker (the straw hole gets sealed off). They are also insulated to keep that stuff cold!
Not sure I want to try the syrups, etc. I might pick up some orange to mix with the vanilla.