Needing a few hugs, a whiney post
on 7/19/14 10:18 pm
Hi Laurie, just to let you know, I know how you feel. My husband was suddenly diagnosed with a brain tumour 15 years ago. It started with a grand mal seizure one morning then it was brain surgery 3 weeks later. Then shortly after surgery he caught pneumonia.. the constant trips to London Cancer clinic, then he had to be away for 8 weeks on radiation treatments, he had to stay in London as they pulled his licence because of the seizure, he would be home on the weekends only.. then in the 2nd week of radiation he got the chicken pox..yup... from our then 8 year old daughter. That putting off the radiation for 2 weeks... But like you I smiled, I worked, I cared for a little 8 year old, I cared for my husband, I was lonely with out him, I was worried constantly about him, and for my family. You are damn right its hard on you. I only cried in private because I did not want him to see.. I was to be the strong one for a change. His family and mine were no help to me at all, no one asked me how I was doing. But you know what, it passed, he is cancer free today, our daughter is 23, life is good again.
All I can tell you is to try to keep strong, have a good cry, take a hot bubble bath or shower, and just know this wont be forever. and just know at least one person here knows the feeling and will be thinking of you. This to shall pass I promise. xoxo > Its ok to cry ....
Hi Laurie,
This is definitely not a whiney post. You're going through a lot right now. I know it's hard, but make sure you take care of yourself, you won't be good to anyone sick.
It's good to hear your husband is improving. My thoughts and prayers are with him. I'm sending a big hug to the two of you, may he be able to come home soon.
You are certainly handling things well and doing the early labs was a smart call. Sounds as though he's in good hands. Sending you a hug and love from Tennessee. Here, we thrive on hugs and love. :-) Continue to find the strength to hang in there. Tell hubby we're all saying prayers. Give a peck on the cheek for this gal and tell him to continue to improve.
This is most definitely not a whine post. You need support from your friends and we are all here for you. Karen and others have stated to make sure you take care of you too. She's right, you're not going to be a lot of help if you aren't well yourself.
I am thinking the best of thoughts for you and your husband.
Take care!
Years ago when you promised for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, you did not realize what that really meant. This is a tough part of being married. You are handling it very well. Here is hoping that your marriage soon goes back to better and in health. Hugs and do be careful to take care of yourself as best you can.
I am widowed now, but still will take care of my boyfriend when he is sick. It is part of a loving relationship, whether there is a marriage license or not.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends