on 7/18/14 1:12 am - Brampton , Canada

I'm at my family dr appointment, trying to get a referral, he has agreed i need the surgery, BUT wHen we went onto for him to create a profile to sign up, it kept saying, "sign in failed" we called, and no answer. 

Does anyone have a direct link to the online form he needs to fill out?? 




on 7/18/14 1:55 am - Kitchener, Canada
RNY on 05/22/14

I'm probably not going to be able to help with any doctor sent a paper referral (normal process for all other referrals) over to the bariatric centre (for me, it was Guelph).  I didn't know you could do anything online!

on 7/18/14 2:30 am - Brampton , Canada

Oh :( 

on the Bariatric website, it says the doctor has to register with them, and then they refer you to your surgeon. :-/ 

how did your dr do a paper referral? My doctor has never referred anyone for gastric bypass, so he had no clue what to do. 

Its so frustrating to have him say yes! But not know what to do. 

(deactivated member)
on 7/18/14 2:59 am - Bumfuknowhere, Canada

Their website says the doctor has to register with them and if they don't want to use the electronic process, they have to call to have referral forms sent to them.  Each form has a unique ID number so it's not like you can just print one.  Sounds like your doctor is going to have to keep trying to get through to them and send in the referral as soon as he can hear from them.

on 7/18/14 4:27 am - Brampton , Canada

Crap... My doc was saying he's to busy to be calling numbers and trying to create this online account. But I guess that's what I get for having a downtown bay & front st doctor. 😔 I called the Bariatric registry, hopefully they call me back & can help. 

(deactivated member)
on 7/18/14 5:08 am - Bumfuknowhere, Canada

I'm sure he could have his secretary make the calls to get the pads of paper if he doesn't want to register online.  Some doctors just make me shake my head. It's like one page double sided so not much to fill out once he gets them.

on 7/18/14 5:46 am, edited 7/18/14 5:47 am - Cincinnati, OH

I don't know how they do it where ur from  but I called the surgeon office myself and they gave me an appointment to see if I was a candidate. That was on the 3rd of July my appointment  was on the 8th of July and I began my nutrition and exercise classes the 17th of July...  Sometimes u just have to do it ur self..  I hope this helps u 😊

White Dove
on 7/18/14 5:52 am - Warren, OH

The poster is from Canada that has totally different medical care system than we do.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

(deactivated member)
on 7/18/14 12:33 pm

I'm from Brampton too and my doc had no problem filling out the forms. He did it by hand. Maybe call the registry and get them to send the forms to his office? Or ask the Registry if a walk in doctor is allowed to refer. If that is the case PM me and I'll give to the info for my family doc *****ferred me, he also does the walk in clinic on certain days. Once you are in for the orientation you can give your family doctor name. 

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