Newbie...any advice or encouragement welcome

on 7/17/14 3:23 am


  Welcome to the board!  I am in a similar situation to you as I have two young children under 3.  As of now, this was one of the best decisions I have made.  I had a VSG in May.  It is a scary decision to make, but once you are a month or so past the surgery things become a little more manageable and you learn how to function with new eating habits.  As someone who swore they would never get bariatric surgery, I am very happy I did.  Good luck to you!  My one piece of advice is to read, read, read as much you can.  Talk to others and go to your local support group. The more knowledge you have the easier the process will be.  I was adamant that I would only have a vsg and with the proper research and planning I was able to get the surgery I wanted. 


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