Bariatric Registry
Hi everyone, I was just wondering if anybody was aware if their doctor received any confirmation that your application was received. My doctor and I have heard absolutely nothing and it's been 8 weeks and I know this isn't a long time but I'm just afraid they didn't even get my application. I'm afraid that I'll sit here waiting only to find out they never received my application. Any suggestions ??

Referral May 14th/14, HRRH Orientation Aug/18th/14, Surgeon (Dr.Starr) Appt Nov/28th/14, Clinic Nurse,Social Worker, Dietitian Dec/15th/14, Dr.Glazer Feb/5th/15, OptiFast Feb/16th/15, PATTS Feb/17th/15, Surgery March 2nd/15 HW 230, SW 202, CW 130
you should hear from the Registry directly. When I didn't hear anything, I called them at the Registry and they confirmed that they didn't have my registration forms. For me, it was because my doctor didn't send in the paperwork. If you call, you'll at least know if they received it.
Good luck!
I know for sure my doctor sent it and has resent it all well 4 weeks ago. I was to her office Thursday and asked her to try resenting it again. I checked with the Bariatric Registry website to look for contact info I sent them an e-mail and was advised via automatic e-mail reply they no longer reply to questions about applications. I called and left a message and nobody has replied to that either. I even went so far as to find out which center I'll be referred to and left a message with them stating I just want to know if my application has been received and nobody is getting back to me.

Referral May 14th/14, HRRH Orientation Aug/18th/14, Surgeon (Dr.Starr) Appt Nov/28th/14, Clinic Nurse,Social Worker, Dietitian Dec/15th/14, Dr.Glazer Feb/5th/15, OptiFast Feb/16th/15, PATTS Feb/17th/15, Surgery March 2nd/15 HW 230, SW 202, CW 130
I am in the same situation. I was referred May 29/14 and haven't heard a word either. I am phoning my doctor today to make sure they sent it in. I have quite a few co-morbidities also and thought I would have at least received a letter or a phone call regarding orientation by now. Keep me posted on what happens and I will do the same :) Good Luck
on 7/14/14 2:15 am - Canada
just a thought, but maybe it's delayed because it's summer... I'm sure most of their admin staff are probably off on vacation and most offices will most likely be working with reduced staffing... But in the very least my doctor told me when my referral was received and that was in April 2014...
My Doctor's office was sent a response from the registry and my dr called me to say the the referral was sent to HRRH. I emailed the bariatric registry about a month in with all of my information as well as the date my dr sent the referral. 2-3 weeks later I called the registry and told them that I hadn't heard anything gave them all of my information again. They told me that they did have the referral and gave me my Bariatric ID#. I would recommend calling them to inquire the status. They are really trying to be better with wait times so hopefully they will be supportive. There is the info below. Good luck!!
Bariatric Registry 905-522-1155 x35346I called the hospital directly to find out my orientation date, rather than try to get through to the Registry. Luckily I knew someone who is a little ahead of me in the process, so she gave me the number for Humber River... If you're in the Toronto area, call 416-747-3720 and press 1 at the prompts. If you're in the GTA, your surgery will be at one of the three Humber River locations, so this is the right number. These people were extremely helpful.