Family having a0 hard time with my decision

on 7/13/14 7:12 am

I know what you are going through. My husband was thinking I was "taking the easy way out" until I explained everything to him, and tugged at him to go to a meeting with me so that he could learn a bit about the surgery and what I wanted and was going to be going through. He definetly changed his mind after that, and is now 100% supportive. I adore him for that. I recently told my mom and she said "you've lost weight before, why can't you just do that again - did you give up?" The answer to myself, was maybe I did but how many times am I going to give up? They are just worried about you, worried about change, it wont just be change for just you, but they will have to adapt to your change. They will come around beleive me, and if they don't well atleast you know the best decision for YOURSELF.

on 7/13/14 1:27 pm - Canada

You all are SO right!  I am truly realizing who will be supportive.  Those who aren't supportive will end up surprised and pleased with the the outcomes anyway HA!

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