ready made protine drinks
I was recently talking to someone and they told me that I shouldnt be drinking ready made protein drinks this early out (one week). Is this correct?? Im currently drinking premier protein in the little cartons. Should I be using powder instead?
"The First step towards getting somewhere is to decide that your not going to stay where you are" - John pierpoint morgan
Referral- April 27,2013 Orientation class- may 29, 2013 Meet the surgeon,SW,dietitian - July 20, 2013 Dr Glazier- October 4,2013 Sleep study- October 10,2013 Dr Glazier again- October 16,2013 SW,dietitian again- February 2,2014 DR Sohi- march 4,2014 Start Opti- June 11,2014 SURGERY- July 2,2014

The person who told you that was likely referring to many other pre-made drinks that are higher in carbs and fats. Premier protein shakes are ideal and you can absolutely have them. They're the only protein I could drink. Always look at the specific nutrition info of what you're eating/drinking - does it match up to what your needs are? Then it's a good choice.
Premier is an excellent choice!
Ontario Recipes Forum -
From what I have read on this board Guelph Bariatric Clinic does not approve of ready made protein shakes. Most other centres want you to drink them especially early out of the hospital. But some centres want you to get protein naturally from foods. Check with your own centre's rules and follow their plan.