one week out- am i eating enough?

on 7/10/14 1:06 pm

Hey all :) 

So its been a week since my surgery! And im down 14 pounds :D yay! But  im worried that im not eating enough... I eat 3 times a day and about 6 oz in one meal ( takes about an hour and a half) and i sip on a protein shake throughout the day. It takes me a whole day to get 1 protein drink down. I'm only getting about 40-45 g of protein a day ( 30 in the shake and roughly 10-15 in foods im eating), and no matter how hard i try i cant seem to get any more than that, i feel like im constantly eating/drinking....

So long story short... Am i eating enough?? Also Is there a specific amount of calories i should be getting? Gahhh its all so overwhelming...




"The First step towards getting somewhere is to decide that your not going to stay where you are" - John pierpoint morgan

Referral- April 27,2013   Orientation class- may 29, 2013   Meet the surgeon,SW,dietitian - July 20, 2013  Dr Glazier- October 4,2013  Sleep study- October 10,2013   Dr Glazier again- October 16,2013   SW,dietitian again- February 2,2014    DR Sohi- march 4,2014   Start Opti- June 11,2014  SURGERY- July 2,2014

on 7/10/14 8:21 pm - Port Hope, ON, Canada
RNY on 02/11/14

In the beginning we don't count calories.  Your pretty much in survival mode at this point. Just make sure your eating what you can,  don't force it. Drinking is the most important part. Make sure you are drinking as you don't want to become dehydrated. 

I am 5 months post op today and I still don't count calories. 

Good luck to you, one other thing. Don't become a Slave to the scale. It will only drive you nuts! As long as your NOT doing all the wrong things there is no reason to weigh daily! I USE to be THAT person lol. But since surgery I kicked that habit! I weigh once a week now.  (Except for this week, I weighed Tuesday at my follow up with Dr Klein.  I will weigh today for my 5 month surgiversary :-)

Your doing great!!

Kim xo

Referral - Oct 29/13

Info Session - Nov 18/13...1st surgeon appt - Nov 26/13...RN/SW/RD - Dec - 4/13...Dr.Glazer - Jan 8/14...2nd Surgeon appt - Jan 22/14 PATTS - Jan 29/14...

SURGERY!!!! FEBRUARY 11th 2014.


Karen M.
on 7/10/14 10:35 pm - Mississauga, Canada

As Kimber said, the calories are not important. The entire focus has to be on protein and fluid intake. Keep working at the protein, you'll get there. It does take a while to get in enough, your aim should be at least 70g protein per day.

As an aside, I still don't count calories at 8 years post-op. I count protein, carbs and keep an eye on fats. Having said that, I eat very healthy and "on plan" so knowing that I'm not eating sugar or foods that I consider "junk", keeps my calorie intake where it should be to maintain (8 years out - 1200-1400 per day), which I only know by occasionally plugging my menus into myfitnesspal.

You're doing well with your new full-time eating and drinking job. :)


SW-290, CW 121



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