Question for the Vets (re:motivation and accountability)

on 7/9/14 1:51 pm - Canada

...particularly around the 5-day pouch test. Do you or have you ever done it (or a variation of it)? I'm almost 7 months post-op, down 100 lbs and am considering doing this but I am wondering if it's a good approach. Sometimes I like to go back to basics and remind myself what it was like to eat/drink in the early post-op days. It reminds me why I had the surgery and I find that it motivates me to keep making healthy choices. Is 7 months too early to do the 5-day pouch test? Do you have a better suggestion?

Also, how do you stay focussed/on track/accountable in general, as it pertains to avoiding temptations? I find that I am okay to avoid the temptation to eat foods that I shouldn't. I have no desire for junk or greasy or fast food. I'm still caffeine and sugar-free, limit carbs, etc. I'm concerned that I may be slipping back into old habits and becoming lax about things like journaling and staying on a food schedule. I have no hunger but I have always forced myself to eat on a schedule since surgery. Lately, though, I have been forgetting to eat and realizing later in the day that I haven't eaten yet. Perhaps participating in the "what are you eating" threads here may help that. I don't know...I just feel that lately I feel like I am slipping off the track I have been on for 7 months, kwim? Maybe it's because it's summer and I am running around with 5 kids all day and not focussing on myself as much. This surgery was a true gift and I'm feeling like a **** for letting things like that slide. So, what do you do to pull yourself back on the track?

I guess that might be why I'm considering the pouch test. Maybe I'm feeling a strong urge to re-shift my focus and my motivation and confidence was highest in the early post-op days. What do you think?

Referral:Nov 14, 2012~~Orientation:Dec 14~~Nurse:Mar 26~~Abd Ultrsound:Apr 18~~Beh/Nut:May 9, 2013~~Surgery:Dec 12, 2013.


on 7/9/14 5:57 pm, edited 7/9/14 5:57 pm - Stirling, Canada

Maybe you can be a I a help  to someone new to this life style like in aa they have a helper an someone to share there achievement to me just reading your story your great!!! I would love to have your experience . Congratulations on your success an here is to you coming on here an sharing 

Karen M.
on 7/9/14 8:05 pm - Mississauga, Canada

Hi Melissa,

8 years post-op here. In reading your post I'm not seeing a lot of "slipping/reverting" behaviours. You're eating well, on plan and not giving in to temptations of grease and sugar. You've pretty much answered your questions yourself. Tracking your food intake, journaling, having a set schedule of when you will eat.... those are all what has contributed to my long-term success. I also get up each day and make a menu plan for the day; I write it out on the "what are you eating/doing today" thread and I stick to it. Every once in a while I plug my daily intake into my fitness pal to make sure I'm on track.

With respect to the 5 day pouch test - it does not "shrink your pouch". No diet or eating plan can do that. I have participated in it a few times over the past 8 years, but as a carb-detox. Not to lose weight, shrink my pouch or anything else - just to get off so many carbs that snuck back into my diet.

Your focus and motivation do change over time. It's easy to be motivated and confident in the very beginning while you enjoy dramatic weight loss - being able to maintain that level of motivation and accountability to yourself and your eating plan takes some work and commitment.





Ontario Recipes Forum -

Diminishing Dawn
on 7/9/14 10:05 pm - Windsor, Canada

I'm NOT a big fan of the pouch test myself.  I like the intention but the certain foods on certain days makes me gag.

When I want to get back on track, I use myfitnesspal.  I eat a variety of different foods unless the "test" but of course, focus on protein and veggies.  I aim for at least 40% of my diet being protein and aim for a maximum of 25% carbs (if I can keep it under 20, I'm thrilled).  That way I'm eating a variety of stuff, not feeling restricted and not prone to having an on going headache for 5 days as I find with the "test". It's really about just getting back to basics and getting rid of the excess carbs that most of us take in. Eat from the outside of the supermarket, focus on protein and cook it in a variety of ways.  The protein/veggie combination will make you feel like you are eating normally and you won't feel deprived either. 


17+ years post op RNY. first year blog here or My LongTimer blog. Tummy Tuck Dr. Matic 2014 -Ohip funded panni Windsor WLS support group.message me anytime!
HW:290 LW:139 RW: 167 CW: 139

on 7/9/14 10:16 pm - Arnprior, Canada

Going back to the basics is the best way to go.  I have done the 5 Day Pouch Test a couple times, but it was more to cut cravings.  For accountability, the What are you eating/doing thread would be a great place to start.

Since you have 5 kids around all day, maybe a schedule for everyone to follow would be a good idea.  Do up a schedule and have everyone follow it.  I know it's hard, but it's worth a try.



on 7/10/14 3:59 am - Canada

Thanks for your replies.  I think posting about it here may keep me accountable.  I woke up this morning and went back to the basics. I had a glass of water and about a half hour later I had a protein smoothie. I'm moving a baby on to adoption and the adoptive parents were here bright and early and normally I would cater to them and guide them but this morning, I was like, "Go ahead upstairs and grab her. I'm just going to make myself a smoothie". LOL Despite a busy morning, I found time to get in a snack of yogurt and fruit as well.

I signed on to MFP as well and logged there as well.

I think I have figured out a couple of things. I'm 100 lbs down and soooo close to the coveted ONEDERLAND!!!!!! that maybe my anxiety and old die-hard self-doubt is creeping in a bit. I haven't been this weight since my early teens and  my brain is like, "Really? You really think you can get there? Don't count on it. You never have before!" Maybe a bit of that self-sabotage going on but hey, I recognize it and I'm not going to let it get the best of me. I've come this far and I'm going to keep on going, darnit!!

So I'm going to take it meal by meal, focus on protein and keep myself active.

Referral:Nov 14, 2012~~Orientation:Dec 14~~Nurse:Mar 26~~Abd Ultrsound:Apr 18~~Beh/Nut:May 9, 2013~~Surgery:Dec 12, 2013.


on 7/10/14 8:17 am - Mississauga, Canada
RNY on 08/11/14

I think you are doing great, and it's awesome that you recognize what you need to do in order to stay on track.  

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