Blood pressure problems
Well i've been having terrible headaches and dizziness for a couple of weeks now so, i went to my GP. I found out i was having orthostatic hypotension. So every time i stand up i get really dizzy. My BP is normal in the 120's but, it does drop when i stand up. He told me to increase my salt and to drink some G2 or dilute some juice instead of drinking waster all the time or enhancers. I currently drink about 4 litres and he was concerned that was too much water. Anyone out there had trouble with BP after bypass and how did you manage to fix the problem?
Also, do i call Guelph and let them know that my GP wants me to change some parts of my diet? The juice part and increased sodium is what he said to increase. Thanks
Yeah i'm not sure what could be causing this. I had some blood work a few weeks ago and it showed increased levels of inflammation. I think it's something a little more than just fluid imbalance going on. I barely sit with my feet up and never lay down during the day. It never happens from lying to standing, only sitting to standing.
I have had times where I get light headed. If I get up too fast, or when I was at the gym I'd do it. I'd have to stop and let things settle then I could keep going on. When I mentioned this to the nurse in Ottawa, she suggested that I might need some G2 to put back some of the electrolites. As long as it's not the only thing you're drinking, it should be fine once in a while. It doesn't happen to me as often now. Just try to stand up slower, let your body adjust. If you are laying down, sit for a minute and then get up slowly.
I wouldn't go for the juice, especially if it's salt they are suggesting. Before adding salt, see how much you are consuming now, then contact your dietician and see what she suggests.
I forgot to mention i have a history of intracranial hypertension. I've maintained normal BP during the worst headaches and never had any dizziness or lightheadedness then either. While my eye doc says the pressure behind my topic nerves has gone down, i'm not sure about all the other stuff going on.
I have been having problems on and off since I had surgery in March 2013. I have the dizziness when I stand up and occassionally get headaches. I did ask back in December at my 9 month post-op appointment and was told because we lose so much weight so quickly, it effects our BP. I was told to keep an eye on it. But, I do find that it comes and goes, so, have never really asked anyone about it again. I was at my family doc for something else recently and the nurse said it was low and I told her about it. She said I should ask my doctor, but, I forgot and didn't really want to go back just for this. If it gets worse I will though...thank you for sharing about diluting juice/having more salt...I may try that to see if it helps. It has been slightly worse the last couple of weeks and I was considering calling my doctor. It is the whole coming and going that makes me hesitate....
Referral to Ottawa: Jan/11 Info Session: May/11 Nurse: Feb/12 Dietician/Behavourist/Abdominal Scan: Apr/12 Pre-op Education Class: Feb. 6/13 Meet Surgeon Feb.15/13 Surgery with Dr. Raiche March 12/13!!
The race isn't given to the swift nor the strong, but it's given to the ones who endure it to the end...

Yes, me, but not after bypass, due to illness. Yes to the salt, and continue with the water intake. It can take awhile to get it regulated. I've been taking Midodrine (sp?) to deal with this.
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