Stress Eating

Wesley T.
on 7/8/14 1:27 am - Canada


I wanted to know everyones stress/eating habits before their surgery and how this has changed post surgery?

I have been journaling my cravings and linking them to happiness, boredom, fatigue etc.. It has me understanding 'head hunger' alot better.. 

Karen M.
on 7/8/14 1:35 am - Mississauga, Canada

Stress eating is a huge issue - many of us, myself included, use(d) food to comfort ourselves. You will still face this challenge post-op, unfortunately. They operate on your guts, not your head. What you are doing now with the journaling and connecting eating with emotions will help you tremendously post-op. Being aware of it, understanding it and being able to connect it to thoughts and behaviours is just about the best thing you can do. Good for you.



Ontario Recipes Forum -

on 7/8/14 2:28 am - Arnprior, Canada

The only other thing you can do is if you have a major stress event happen in your life, get counseling sooner than later.  A counselor or therapist will help you deal with your stress in a more constructive way than eating.

I never really suffered from "stress eating" pre or post WLS.  What I do when I am really stressed, is to not eat.  It's just as bad and just as dangerous.  At these times I can usually drink (water etc) but have a hard time with food and have to force myself to eat something.  I've been like this since I can remember.  Even as a kid, if I was upset I'd lose my appetite.



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