Optifast. When Do I Purchase It & How Long?

on 7/7/14 7:25 am, edited 7/7/14 7:26 am - Canada

Hi there,

I get to meet Dr. Jules from Guelph this Friday. Will I be expected to purchase optifast then? How long will I have to be on it? My start weight was 356lbs, I weigh 330lbs right now.

on 7/7/14 7:31 am - Port Hope, ON, Canada
RNY on 02/11/14

Is this your first meeting or meeting to get a date?  If it's your first I would think no, you would buy it went you go to sign the paperwork for the surgery and get a date. I'm not through Guelph, I went through Humber.  But I'm. Sure. It's about the same.

Good luck. 


Referral - Oct 29/13

Info Session - Nov 18/13...1st surgeon appt - Nov 26/13...RN/SW/RD - Dec - 4/13...Dr.Glazer - Jan 8/14...2nd Surgeon appt - Jan 22/14 PATTS - Jan 29/14...

SURGERY!!!! FEBRUARY 11th 2014.


on 7/7/14 7:50 am - Waterloo, Canada

Providing Dr Jules agrees to do your surgery ( and I don't think you would have made it this far if he won't) you will get a date and need to buy your Optifast that day.  We are about the same weight and I had 3 weeks.

He will ask you why you think this surgery will work when nothing else has to date - so be prepared.  Good luck - I found him a little hard to understand but a great surgeon.

on 7/7/14 7:57 am - Canada

Thank you for the replies. My friend was the same weight as me and only had 2 weeks. Who knows what they base it on. Thank you so much. PS Thats a hard question. 


(deactivated member)
on 7/7/14 9:33 am

I went though Guelph, and its a week of Optifast for every 100 pounds you are. Also in case you didnt know its a 100.00 per week. 

on 7/8/14 12:45 am - Kitchener, Canada
RNY on 05/22/14

I also saw Dr. Jules (gorgeous!), I was 332 I believe during my day of consult with him, and was on opti for 3 weeks. You only meet the surgeon once before surgery (unless there's another reason to see him), and you do actually purchase your opti that day - and will probably get a surgery date then as well. I am assuming you would be on it for 3 weeks, possibly 4 weeks - everyone is different but...most people do prefer chocolate. Get all chocolate if you can! Unless you live close, if you get half vanilla and hate it, they do let you swap out your un-opened boxes for the other flavour. Good luck!!!

on 7/9/14 2:05 am, edited 7/9/14 2:06 am - Canada

Hi Linsie

I noticed we are close in age and start weight. How did the surgery go? How has it been after? Im getting nervous. 

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