What meds do you take after surgery?

on 7/7/14 10:21 am - Port Hope, ON, Canada
RNY on 02/11/14

Karen, I asked for the oxycocet as the Tylenol just about made me throw up and I had been taking the oxy while there for pain and they would not give them to me. Said they didn't want me getting constipated.  I only wanted them as a precaution.  They were only like 5 mg dose. Nope they wouldn't lol. So I just dealt with the pain. I tried the Tylenol once more when I got home and gagged so bad.....not cool at all...bahahaha

Referral - Oct 29/13

Info Session - Nov 18/13...1st surgeon appt - Nov 26/13...RN/SW/RD - Dec - 4/13...Dr.Glazer - Jan 8/14...2nd Surgeon appt - Jan 22/14 PATTS - Jan 29/14...

SURGERY!!!! FEBRUARY 11th 2014.


Karen M.
on 7/7/14 10:29 am - Mississauga, Canada

Seriously? That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.

Well, not EVER, but it's stoopid. You know what else makes you constipated? STRESS from being in pain. Sheesh.

No, that doesn't sound very pretty at all. LOL Aren't you so glad you're past all that? :)



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 7/7/14 11:02 am - Port Hope, ON, Canada
RNY on 02/11/14

Yes and the nurse that refused was the one that was there when I almost threw up taking the tylenol. LOL

Yes I can't complain I have had a great journey so far with no complications. Keeping fingers crossed it stays that way.

I do have a question for you Karen, do you mind if I message you?

Referral - Oct 29/13

Info Session - Nov 18/13...1st surgeon appt - Nov 26/13...RN/SW/RD - Dec - 4/13...Dr.Glazer - Jan 8/14...2nd Surgeon appt - Jan 22/14 PATTS - Jan 29/14...

SURGERY!!!! FEBRUARY 11th 2014.


Karen M.
on 7/7/14 11:04 am, edited 7/7/14 11:06 am - Mississauga, Canada

Of course, please do! :)

Edit: I meant of course I DON'T MIND, not of course I mind. LOL



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 7/7/14 7:47 am - Mississauga, Canada
RNY on 08/11/14

Ok thanks for all the replies.  I will ask the surgeon about a Rx for heartburn as I do have it a few times a month and take Zantac for it to help. 

on 7/7/14 10:00 am - Port Hope, ON, Canada
RNY on 02/11/14

Hopefully the surgery will help eliminate the heartburn!!

Referral - Oct 29/13

Info Session - Nov 18/13...1st surgeon appt - Nov 26/13...RN/SW/RD - Dec - 4/13...Dr.Glazer - Jan 8/14...2nd Surgeon appt - Jan 22/14 PATTS - Jan 29/14...

SURGERY!!!! FEBRUARY 11th 2014.


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