Telephone interview
Hey all
So I had my Sw/Rn/ Dietician appointment on friday at HRRH ,Which I was extremely nervous about , as there had been a few worrying tales lately about this one !! But all in all it went well , the nurse , Sarah , was so nice and that whole part was great , she did want me to up my Vit D , early june Dr Glazer told me to take 2000 daily , she said up it to 4000 ?? Also said my Iron was low and low B12 .....should Glazer not have told me this too ?? Anyway ...all good I will sort these things out .Then I saw the social worker jacquie ? Seemed nice but that visit was very fast and nowhere near what I was expecting , just like she was checking off boxes ! Then the dietician ( one I was dreading if im honest ) Roshni , she is very in depth about everything (and so she should be ) , really puts you on the spot for your habits and lifestyle, but I did like her . She was concerned about my habit of eating early am then not eating again until 2 or 3 pm , I work in Homecare and sometimes just run all day until all my clients are done then go home . So she wants me to work on that , and try not to 'mindlessly eat' in front of the TV at night ( I do this often :( ) ......she said she trusted me enough to make these changes so she did not want to see me again but does , however , want a telephone interview in 4 weeks ( aug 1st) ...then all going well , she said at that point I call Dr Klein's office to make an appointment to purhase opti and get a date ?? Is this the way it went for any of you guys ?? If so ..when I call him long do you think ill wait for his appointment?
All in all im very happy how its all going , and im really working on making those changes to my day , its not I can't as my job is very flexible , its just bad habits and trying to keep everyone happy , but like she said , I need to take care of myself first . And the tv snacking ( even if its healthy stuff ) just has to completely stop , I endeavour to do laundry instead now !!!
Hope all is well with you all and any input , suggestions/experience always welcome .
Jax x
Sounds very exciting and promising :) I just wanted to share that I currently take 8000 IU of Vit D (as well as what comes in my Calcium) and 2500 mcg of B12 sublingual daily. This is what I need to keep my levels good since surgery. So, don't be surprised if you need to take extra
Good luck with everything, sounds like you are almost there!
Referral to Ottawa: Jan/11 Info Session: May/11 Nurse: Feb/12 Dietician/Behavourist/Abdominal Scan: Apr/12 Pre-op Education Class: Feb. 6/13 Meet Surgeon Feb.15/13 Surgery with Dr. Raiche March 12/13!!
The race isn't given to the swift nor the strong, but it's given to the ones who endure it to the end...

My advice would be to start the changes you want to implement after surgery. You won't have as big of a shock to you system if you do. I started living like I was post op mid- March, with the exception of more calories, but I was eating clean, low carb, high protein, got a trainer, started keeping a journal etc. I started Opti two and a half weeks ago and it's not been a walk in the park but truly it hasn't been too bad. I have my surgery on Thursday.
I have a be a super demanding job and three kids under 7 so taking time for me was a huge part of my change. The foods I prepare are better for the family and everyone is happy to be eating a healthier diet (I am the only one with weight issues).
good luck - put yourself as a priority - you will do amazing.
Thanks ladies :)
Yeah the dietician really gave me the gears on the whole ' take care of yourself first' issue ! It is so hard to do , I imagine for most of us , when you are a mother and wife ....its hard to just say now its for me ...but we have to , and you're right , it benefits everyone . I too am the only one with a weight issue in my house , but everyone will benefit from the changes am making food wise , and just for me to be healthier and happier also . ' when Mum's happy , everyone's happy ' right ? Lol
Thanks again chickies